What Are We Doing?

Seriously…what are we doing? Are we ready to talk about what’s happening to this country? Like, REALLY talk about it?

These last few days, this last week, month, two years, have been tiring to say the least. Democrats won control of the House – that’s great – but are they going to make effective use of their political gain? The win is not progress enough, something real and tangible needs to happen. 

In the last few weeks, bombs were mailed to Trump’s political opponents. Black people were targeted and murdered in a grocery store after the shooter couldn’t get into a church. Eleven Jewish people were killed in yet another shooting that was not only en masse, but an anti-Semitic hate crime. A mass shooting at a yoga studio. The individual callout of each Republican who did not support Trump lost their seat. Trump completely disregarded the reality of the election outcomes. Not to mention, forcing Jeff Sessions to resign… 

I can’t even begin to detail the laundry list of other hate-filled heinous acts or misguided (at the least) political bungles that have occurred on both small and large scale since the beginning of Trump’s Presidency. Can we talk about Trump’s rhetoric, what it’s doing to this country, and why half the country seems to have no qualms with the lack of morality and ethics left? Yes, the win Tuesday night is progress for Democrats, it’s moving forward and that’s terrific. But the long haul is not close to over and winning the House is not enough. If we don’t deal with what is really happening, we have a long road and a dim future ahead. 

Midterms… From the Left, Center, Right

Different perspectives are important, especially regarding the 2018 Midterms. The dust has settled. We asked three of our contributors from the Left, Center, and Right, to weigh in… and here’s what they had to say…
“Midterms… we came, we saw, we partially conquered. To know so many women (particularly minority women) were elected to office for the first time in history was a bittersweet moment. Sweet because I, along with future generations, have a predecessor to look up to. Bitter because in 2018, the fact that we are still having such firsts is unacceptable.” – Left Healthcare Professional 
“A rising tide lifts all boats” is a common way of thinking when making policies. We must realize however, that although the tide will raise the boat I am on, there are some citizens not privileged enough to be on that boat and those policies can have a negative impact on them. In this election I voted for the good of people, ALL people. Although there are some policies that may benefit some tax brackets over others, we as people need to look out for our brothers and sisters (regardless of racism, sexism, and classism) and do what is good for humanity. I appreciate the campaigns that stayed away from the hate and division. Unfortunately, not enough campaigns can say they did that.”  – Center Single Mom
The Democrats now have a tool to prove their worth again to the American people or just enough rope to hang themselves. This “wave” is milder and different in character than the midterm wave of the last three presidents. If Democrats can focus around healthcare and assemble a compromise budget deal (perhaps around issues such as infrastructure), and can find a strong presidential candidate, perhaps they will be rewarded. If this turns into an army of subpeonas… if they continue to focus their entire agenda (or allow their news cycles to focus on) the president’s taxes or scandals, or if their intransigence leads to a government shutdown, they may well have just enough stake in the government to take the blame for a market correction after several years of low inflation growth. If that happens, the house may turn again in two years, and Trump will have another four years. – Right Army Veteran 

Returning to Work

The highly anticipated midterms are over… Not necessarily a “blue wave” but enough Democrats won to reclaim the House. So now the Dems can call for investigations, subpoenas, etc. We’re not sure how much success they’ll have, but if nothing else it’ll add to the circus that Washington has now become. 

If you’re a Black American, regardless of where you reside, you were hopeful Gillum and Abrams would win their Florida and Georgia Gov races respectfully. Let’s be honest, you were probably more than hopeful. You might’ve donated to their campaigns, at the very least your eyes were probably glued to CNN or MSNBC as they reported and updated the numbers. 

But while we didn’t want to admit it, the writing was on the wall when the coverage for these two big races began to fade and focus was redirected to other less historic or risky races. Gillum jumped to a lead, but Florida is Florida, and once the panhandle numbers came it was a done deal. Abrams on the other hand never appeared to have a shot. Her opponent jumped out to a big lead and held on. 

All that support, time, energy, “sweat equity,” registering new voters, younger voters, etc… wasted. Minorities including Black Americans have given a lot to this country. If Democrats can’t win elections with great candidates against opponents who blatantly traffic in racism and bigotry, then perhaps Dems aren’t the answer or the party for minorities? Or perhaps a drastic shift in leadership is the only way to get over this hump? 

Across this country, millions of Black Americans and minorities are mustering up the strength to return to mostly all-White offices and workplaces (today and the rest of the week) having suffered another moral and legislative defeat that hits them in every way possible. Where does that strength come from? Where are the safe places needed to exchange thoughts, vent, and move on? Trying to do so… after an 8-10 hour workday… year after year… election after election… can’t be healthy. 

Advice… don’t engage in political discussion, don’t take the everyday frustrations that come with any job personal, and stay close to family and friends who either know your pain, can relate, or have exemplified empathy. 

Dems should take a hard look at how they decide to campaign and strategize moving forward. Taking the “high road” sounds great, when you win. But they lost, two devastating and deflating losses. In both Florida and Georgia, their opponents made it about race. Not just race, but nasty racism… whether it was “monkey this up” or repeat overtly racist robocalls, digs at their education and fitness for office, Republicans in Florida and Georgia made up their mind that they were gonna hit low, hit hard, and hit often. That’s exactly what they did, and it carried them to victory. 

Gillum, Abrams, and Dems collectively did the exact opposite. They stayed high, and once again, to no avail. Is the solution to go just as low, probably not. But when you run two highly qualified charismatic candidates in Gillum and Abrams, and still lose, you should probably take a hard look at your playbook, strategy, and party leadership. 

Change is never easy, but it is inevitable. Since Dems expect or count Black Americans and minorities in their tent, they need to start making changes and winning the games/elections they should win, because something tells me this younger generation won’t be as patient and understanding as those that came before them. 

Kavanaugh Confirmed… LCR Women Respond…

On Saturday, October 6th, President Trump was successful in getting his second Justice nominee on the Supreme Court in Brett Kavanaugh. The most controversial Justice since Clarance Thomas, Kavanaugh was confirmed in a 50-48 vote, which is the tightest margin ever for a Supreme Court nominee. We asked some of our women contributors to weigh in regarding his confirmation, despite the sexual assault allegations from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and his other questionable behavior in high school and college, and here’s what they had to say…
“Disgusted but not in the least bit surprised.  When the initial vote to confirm Kavanaugh was delayed to perform an FBI investigation, I was shocked and had a glimmer of hope.  Two minutes later when it was announced the investigation would only last one week, I knew the process was a sham and temperamental – Kavanaugh would still be confirmed.  What bothers me the most are the 1945-era comments regarding sexual assault.  This is why I didn’t report my sexual assault because in America sexual assault victims are shamed while their offenders are pardoned.” – Left Healthcare Professional
“Next job interview I am going to demand to get the job!  I am going to be untruthful, condescending, and arrogant.  I will roll my eyes at the interviewer, yell at them, interrupt them, and refuse to answer simple questions.  I will then cry and play a victim.  And, I too, expect to be given this job that I have demonstrated not to have the temperament for.  But, as a woman I will not be able to act like this.  As a non-White woman, I cannot act like this. Not at a job interview, or anywhere.  Once again, those that we have selected as leaders, have failed us and decided to protect the power and privilege of White men.  They disgraced the survivors of sexual abuse, and elevated a man who is the perfect picture of what is wrong with America: White privilege and their commitment to inequality and injustice.” – Center Single Mom 
“Our country elected a president who was accused of sexual assault and sexual harassment by at least 19 different women. He has publicly made comments to objectify and degrade women on numerous occasions. As disappointing as it is, it is not the least bit surprising that he would support someone who was accused of similar behavior. Kavanaugh’s reactions in his congressional hearing showed extreme instability and a lack of control – two things that Trump is also known for himself. Since the beginning, Trump has made it clear through his actions and words that he is unfit for the office of president. Through Kavanaugh’s nomination process, Trump is also making it clear that he is willing to give power to others who are unfit for high offices, and potentially unfit to be law-abiding citizens of this country. As a woman (and a human being), it is infuriating to see that sexual assault is taken so lightly by the highest office in this country.” – Muslim Female Democrat
Do you agree with their perspectives?

Historic Kavanaugh Hearing… The LCR Responds…

Yesterday (9/27/18) was a historic day in American politics with the Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford hearings. We asked four of our contributors, 3 Independents, 1 Left, and 1 Right, to weigh in and here’s what they had to say…

“It’s so easy to claim, “Why didn’t you say anything before,” “Why did it take you so long?,”  or “What are you afraid of?” Christine Blasey Ford provides an answer to all these idiotic questions. It’s easy to forget that the moment someone speaks out about their experience, pain, and assault, they are instantly thrown into the spotlight. Their entire life is put on display and all the trolls and goblins come out to play. Anyone and everyone who wants to take a jab at someone who has been brave enough to speak out is shut down by mongrels whose sole job is to belittle and verbally destroy them because they can. It’s a tragedy to think that so many women are subjected to this treatment, and only a few will ever get to tell their story.” – Independent Asian Inquisitor 


“Republicans want a Conservative on the court of course, but why THIS one? In more civil times, an honorable man would remove himself from consideration for fear that such controversy would damage the institution. Gorsuch was confirmed without any of this kind of disgraceful spectacle. Republicans should vote “No” on Brett Kavanaugh.” – Stoic Troubadour


To believe or not to believe. This is the current question US Senators face as they debate on the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh becoming the next Supreme Court Justice. The recent allegations have made the Senate hearings even more contentious and partisan. My only say, with any sexual allegation, is that there’s a reason why accusers come forward… about Kavanaugh, Weinstein, Cosby, and a whole host of other high profile male celebrities. There’s a reason why it’s been them vs those who’ve never been implicated on such allegations. – Independent Texan Male


“During Dr. Christine Ford’s testimony, when asked why she came forward, she said she did so out of civic duty. It’s quite appalling to me she is one of so few people operating under any obligation of civic duty. Meanwhile, we’ve got people like Senator Orrin Hatch saying things like, “In other words, she’s pleasing”, while making a point about how articulate and attractive Dr. Ford is as a witness. My question is, when will more of these elected officials begin operating with a sense of civic duty? One that upholds more than just centuries worth of patriarchy.” – Center Left HR 


Two believable people gave both sides reason not to change course – and I don’t think many people changed their minds. Most people are just angrier that others did not. I fear this could change the nature of the MeToo movement. It’s easy to demonize Weinstein – a gross, obnoxious wealthy man we only sort of know who was preying on beautiful celebrities we love. Trump was elected in part because Scalia passed. If believing costs you the change to the Supreme Court that made you vote for this President (despite his many other difficult traits), many of those people just need their agenda now. The pendulum had perhaps swung too far in blurring the line between supporting victims and demonizing accusers without corroboration. This may return the pendulum too far the other way… or just as damaging… create two hardened camps that are both 100% sure. – Right Army Veteran

Do you agree with any of our perspectives?


While everyone is excited about Kaepernick being the new face of Nike, and rightfully so, we must realize the capitalism at play, and ask a pivotal question, what is Nike going to do regarding real change now that they stand to profit from Kaepernick’s Civil Rights protest?

But why would Nike attempt to profit from Kaepernick’s protest? Maybe supporting him and his protest was inevitable. After all, one of their biggest athletes in LeBron James has become more vocal on social issues. They can’t sway too far from his off-the-court mission, right? So despite the perceived controversy, why not sway towards it. As a publicly traded company (NKE), increasing shareholder value will ALWAYS be their number one priority. So odds are management wouldn’t make such a decision that could possibly threaten their revenue if they didn’t believe they could somehow flip it and capture the value they’ve sought to highlight and attach to their brand.

This is an interesting move by Nike considering Kaepernick is actively suing NFL owners for colluding to keep him out of the league, and they (Nike) just signed an 8-year extension to continue being the official sponsor for the NFL’s sideline apparel and game-day uniforms. If you’re Nike it sounds like a hell of a conflict. So why jump head first into this controversial issue?

A few reasons come to mind… 

#1 They truly agree with Kaepernick’s protest, and unlike most brands who are trying to avoid this issue, they realize their involvement at some point is inevitable, so why not be the first brand to get behind it?

#2 They realize the value and potential revenue that can be made from jumping behind this issue. They’ve calculated the risk or potential pushback by being the first brand to do so, and they’re willing to experience the short-term pain in return for long-term gain… or…

#3 Some weird combination of 1 and 2.

Whatever the reason might be, it’s done. Just remember, Nike is a public company (NKE). They don’t make moves without thinking about their shareholders, specifically how to increase shareholder value and ultimately maximize it. So while a publicly traded company in Nike has decided to recognize Kaepernick’s protest, I think we’re within bounds to question how genuine it is if they likely stand to profit from it, and more importantly… what are they going to do regarding real change specific to why Kaepernick decided to protest in the first place, police brutality and other injustices in the criminal justice system? Time will surely tell. 

What do you think? 

(On August 31, 2018, Nike’s stock closed at $82.20. Let’s see how their stock is doing in 3, 6, 9, and 12 months.) 


Last week, Omarosa Manigault, formerly Trump’s lone Black advisor, did her rounds blasting the President. Of course, she wrote a book looking to cash in. Nothing new there. Besides, that seems to be the de facto move immediately following a relationship going south in Washington. But even more interesting, she’s claiming to have more than 200 recordings of her time in the White House. One can only guess what’s on those recordings. She’s also claiming that Trump is a racist and has said the N word. I’m not sure what’s worse, the fact that some pundits have suggested that such a tape would be a deal breaker, as if the President has shown no signs of discrimination rhetorically or policy wise, or the fact that Omarosa wants us to believe she didn’t know or think the President was a racist for the past 20 years until the moment Kelly fired her in the Situation Room.

Either way, this dog, as he referred to her in a tweet, might have his card and stop at nothing to ruin him… and in Trump fashion, get paid while doing it.

This week, as if things couldn’t get any worse, Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was found guilty on 8 felony charges including tax and bank fraud.

And his long time “fixer” attorney, Michael Cohen, who once vowed to take a bullet for the President, did the exact opposite and pleaded guilty to 8 felony charges including campaign financing violations.

Weeks ahead. Mueller and his team are clearly working hard. Omarosa will likely leak tape after tape as slowly as possible to ensure she cashes in for as much and as long as she can. Convicted felon Manafort’s second trial, where he faces charges of lying to the FBI and money laundering, begins next month in Washington, DC. Cohen has shown his true colors, the facade of being a loyal solider didn’t last long when he was faced with an ultimatum. Oh, and the mid-terms are coming up.

Can the Democrats gain enough momentum to win big and take back the House? With all this chaos surrounding Trump and the White House, if Dems can’t capitalize and convince voters to vote Blue instead of Red in November, this country deserves a Trump presidency and everything that comes with it. After all, the American people will have voted for him… twice.

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An Argument To Respect Omarosa?

Should every citizen in this country be offended by the President when he calls a woman a dog?  A Black woman at that, considering the deep history of racism in this country when African-American’s were often referred to as animals in an attempt to degrade and further dehumanize them?  Minus the fringe, most would say yes… we should all be offended.

But this isn’t the first time he’s called a Black woman a dog, a female dog, aka a b***h. In the literal sense, he called hundreds of Black women dogs when he referred to NFL players as “sons of bitches” for deciding to take a knee in protest during the National Anthem.  In the ongoing debate of whether we should take Trump’s comments and tweets literally or figuratively, the media completely missed or ignored his NFL SOB comment as disrespect to their mothers, who all happen to be Black women. Perhaps it’s the American culture of sexism that seems to permeate all groups and often forgets women’s rights, especially women of color.

Despite the early morning tweet attacking Omarosa, which many would call sexist and racist, it’s hard to defend her.  Over the past two decades, she’s built a reputation on being arrogant, extremely rude, and overly confrontational toward anyone who has criticized Donald Trump.  It’s especially hard to defend her if you’re a person of color who doesn’t identify with the current Administration and their policies. In many circles, she’s considered a “sell-out”, and despite the lip service, she’s been cast away as someone who does not have the Black community’s best interest at heart.

And let’s be honest, it’s hard to believe Omarosa’s recent epiphany in realizing Trump is a racist and a bigot. Because for nearly 20 years of knowing him well, including 3 appearances on The Apprentice and her short stint in the White House, she adored him, publicly praised him, and vehemently defended him at every turn.

So for many people, regardless of how sexist, racist, or cruel the tweet might’ve been, they’ve made up their mind that Omarosa is not worth their time or effort. Can we blame them? Truly an important question considering America’s current political climate. Is it possible to remove our disdain for a person and recognize the bigger picture, which is that despite many of Omarosa’s past comments and actions proving to be detrimental and harmless, does she deserve respect and decency? After all, she’s a woman, a Black woman… just like the mothers of those NFL players Trump was referring to when he attacked them and their sons nearly a year ago.

“Every critic will have to bow down to President Trump.”  

It’s Deeper Than “I like Mike!”

Last week, LeBron James opened his I Promise School in his hometown Akron, Ohio. The $8 million public school focuses on at-risk youth and their families. The kids get free uniforms, free bicycles and helmets, free breakfast, lunch, AND snacks… their families get food pantries, their parents get GED and job placement services, and if or when the kids graduate, they get to attend the University of Akron for free. That’s a dream come true for 240 kids and their families, and a hell of a good deed for a man who could easily be worried about his transition to LA or his multiple business ventures. Instead, he decided to give back in the most significant way possible.

Regardless of your political views, where you’re from or where you work, it’s hard not to feel good about such a story that will have a positive impact on hundreds of kids and their families from day 1. Right?

Wrong… Trump couldn’t help himself. LeBron did an exclusive interview with CNN’s Don Lemon about the school shortly after it opened. In the interview LeBron was candid about how he believed Trump has successfully used sports to divide us. In typical Trump fashion, he attacked LeBron and Don Lemon on twitter.

And if that wasn’t petty enough, he added “I like Mike!”, which on the surface just looks like a jab in the on-going and never-ending debate of who’s better, MJ or LeBron.

But when you dig a little deeper and read between the lines, you should recognize the legitimate criticism Jordan has received over the years for his apolitical positions and lack of support and charity for communities of color. Considering many of the kids in these communities have struggled, fought, and in some cases died wearing his Air Jordan sneakers, you quickly realize Donald Trump liking Mike over LeBron has nothing to do with their game on the court. One could easily insinuate that he prefers the rich, quiet, passive Black athlete who’s happy with his money and status, like Jordan, instead of the rich, vocal, and extremely active Black athlete who is intent on pushing the conversation and having an impact on his community, like LeBron.

You got all that from “I like Mike!”? Yes, we did. But you be the judge.

Don Lemon being the dumbest man on TV and LeBron not being smart are just the latest dog whistle tweets and remarks in a long history of Trump attacking the intellect of Black people. More and more Republicans are starting to push back on Trump and his rhetoric… they push back on Russia and his odd obsession with Putin, they push back on his trade policies… but never on race, never when he takes an uncalled for shot at a person of color.

Will any prominent Republican’s denounce his tweets on LeBron? Probably not. In a country where minorities will soon be the majority, Republican’s might want to think about to trying to appeal to all American’s. Letting sexist, racist, xenophobic comments and remarks go unchecked, even if it is from the leader of the free world, will catch up to their party sooner than later.

One-Sided (Foolish) Loyalty

Jackie Robinson and Muhammed Ali probably rolled in their graves after hearing Dallas Cowboys’ Dak Prescott and Ezekiel Elliott speak about the national anthem debate…

“We’re the Dallas Football Cowboys, America’s Team. We stand for the national anthem.” – Ezekiel Elliott, Dallas Cowboys starting running back

You work you’re entire life to fulfill a childhood dream – a dream that less than 1% get to live. You get there, you realize the average shelf life for said career is 3 years, so you focus on staying healthy and doing the best you can in arguably the most competitive sport in the world. Most people get that.

But read a book, watch a documentary, realize your pro football opportunity is possible because of your athletic ability. That athletic ability, which allows you to run fast, jump high, and throw a ball 70 yards was gifted to you by God or whomever you believe in, not Jerry Jones. Jerry does sign your checks, correct… but let’s hope those checks last long beyond your NFL career. Let’s hope if or when one of you gets hurt (because the injury rate in the NFL is 100%), that Jerry returns the loyalty during your contract year when you’re trying to get paid. Let’s also hope he’s just as loyal when you have a bad statistical season… and there’s a talented rookie who’s making rookie minimum in comparison to your millions, and fans are calling for him to replace you, which would make room in the cap for younger/cheaper players, or better free agents.

The business of professional sports is brutal, and history tells us Jerry won’t be as loyal. Just look at recent history… the Celtic’s had no problem shipping Isaiah Thomas out of town, and you could make the argument that his career has went downhill ever since. How about DeMar DeRozan? Despite being in his prime, being the all-time leader in several statistical categories for the Toronto Raptors, and literally putting that team on his back, they had no problem sending him to San Antonio. (At least NBA players can rely on guaranteed contracts.)

But why such one-sided loyalty? Are these athletes that young, naive, or that beholden to the lifestyle and income that they’re willing to say and do whatever it takes to stay there, or not upset ownership? Maybe it’s all of the above, or maybe it’s something else.

Either way, Jackie Robinson, Muhammed Ali, and countless others who risked their lives and paved the way for guys like Dak and Ezekiel to play in these pro leagues and sign such lucrative contracts, deserve better.