This past week Philadelphia sport fans have been celebrating the city’s first Super Bowl Championship, FINALLY! Along with post-win celebration comes, usually, the invitation to the White House. Some Eagles players have already publicly stated that they have no intention of going, and that’s their right.
The notion that teams or team members who respectfully decline the White House are anything but respectfully allowed to do so, is misguided frustration about ideas of tradition, patriotism, racism, and a variety of other ‘isms. Citizens can be critical of the country or unsupportive of the president and still love, respect, and support the country, as well as respect the office of the president. These ideas are not mutually exclusive.
They have every right as a team to decline the invitation. Their decline was respectful, and they’re are allowed to say no. Respect for anyone, even the president, does not mean acquiescing to every request and whim.
Response: Tell us what you think! Should sports teams be able to decline White House invitations?
Despite who is president this is a free country. You don’t HAVE to go to the White House, if you don’t want to. Trump has a beef with football players anyway so let them boycott in peace. Given the blackity black black history of Philadelphia, they shouldn’t be going to visit the bigot.