Music’s Influence On My Generation

For many teenagers like myself, music is a major part of our lives. We listen to it often, when we’re completing assignments, walking in the school hallway, or just for entertainment. There are sometimes heated debates among friends over who should be crowned the best. Who’s the most skilled rapper? Which singer has the greatest voice? Which album topped all of the others in terms of content this year? On social media, we follow our favorite music artists and have an insight into their lives and characters. With the heavy infiltration of music culture, it can definitely have some sort of influence.

Most celebrities post much of their lives on platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat for the world to view. Huge mansions, new expensive cars like Porsches, Lamborghinis, and things such as Gucci jackets and belts, designer dresses, handbags, diamond-covered Rolex watches, and gigantic chains are on display. Well-known rappers like Lil Pump and the Migos are great examples of endorsing a materialistic lifestyle, perhaps without recognizing it. Quavo says in the Migo’s Walk It Talk It track, “Get your respect in diamonds ( ice, ice, ice, ice), I bought a Plain Jane Rollie,” a Rollie being a Rolex. The implication of this line seems to be the more material things you possess, the more people will like you. Of course, there are some of us, like me, which this life doesn’t appeal to. However, there are many of my peers who aspire to own luxury cars like Rolls-Royces and wear expensive brands like Balenciaga’s and Versace, simply because many artists mention them often in songs or wear them. They may even be after social acceptance and praise.

It is difficult for one to say that music doesn’t impact us even in small ways. When we hear our favorite song, we want to dance and sing along. For some of us, the content of lyrics has no effect. But for others, it does have an effect… in much more noticeable ways.

Do you agree? If so, how can we change this? 

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