Barack Obama… The Man Vs. The President

“One can have profound respect for Barack Obama the man, and one can also show no support or care for Barack Obama the President.”

A week before leaving office outspoken President Obama critic Tavis Smiley penned a brief, yet direct, letter of appreciation towards President Obama. The message of appreciation was titled, “A Letter to Obama, In Gratitude and Love.” In summary, Mr. Smiley detailed his appreciation for Barack Obama the man and his character and grace as President. There was no mention or thanks regarding Barack Obama’s accomplishments as President. I’d argue that Mr. Smiley’s lack of appreciation for President Obama is appropriate, and similar to Mr. Smiley, I was a strong critic of the President as well. Despite the criticism, Mr. Smiley stayed the course for Obama by voting for him twice, which something I did not do. I know, shocker! A black man who didn’t vote for Obama?!? Yes, and I’ll easily explain.

Like my fellow fraternal brother Tavis Smiley, I appreciated Barack Obama the man. I thank him for his sound mind and spirit and efforts in attempting inclusion of all American interests in his policies. From the moment I voted for him in 2008 to the point I was greatly disappointed followed by his final days in office, make no mistake about it, I admired Barack Obama.

Mr. Smiley was very outspoken against President Obama during his presidency. Obama’s lackluster response to the Trayvon Martin case and the fact that Black Americans lost great economical ground in America during his presidency were two of the main issues in which he criticized Obama.

I personally stopped supporting President Obama due to his failure to pass universal healthcare in 2010. I don’t want to hear anything about what he couldn’t do. Democrats controlled Congress and it could have been done. If he would’ve passed universal healthcare, what’s going on now in the Republican led Congress regarding the healthcare debate would’ve been much harder to do. Moving on… Obama failed to revise the tax code, failed to make social security solvent or even attempt to make it solvent, failed to address the next economic bubble of student loans/education cost, and last but not least failed to address draconian federal drug laws.

Sure, my social media timelines are filled with people posting pictures of the Obama first family and support for Obama. However, I wonder if that support is for Obama the President or Obama the man. Obama the man, from what we know is as honorable as they come. Obama the President, well, I’m glad I can order my politics a la carte. For that’s a dish I prefer not to have.

Tavis Smiley: A Letter to Obama, In Gratitude and Love