Why Are You Watching the Debates?

At this point, it may as well be a WWE event complete with a cage and metal chairs.

How does this version of “debate” (read: “shouting match”) help anyone decide who should lead our country?

Is the ability to be physically more dominant really the trait that defines a world leader? In this case, literally, an ape would be the best qualified President.

Physical human power as a measure of leadership has been obsolete since the invention of the gun. There is no leader in the last 100 years that has been in a hand-to-hand combat situation requiring superior strength or mixed martial arts training.

There has not been a situation, probably EVER, where military or diplomatic victory was achieved by a superior shouting or talk-over ability by one side.

The things that matter for assessing a President are their policies, past behavior, history of decisions, growth as an individual, resilience, and general presentation as a figurehead for our country.

If none of those issues are able to take the forefront in a Presidential debate, there is no point in anyone watching any more of them.

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