Guidance Counseling in the Midst of COVID-19

[New Contributor]

The mental toll of COVID-19 will require many counselors to come back to school prepared to help their students. However, this may not be so easy. Already, there is a lack of sufficient support for students from guidance counselors – the national ratio of students to counselors is 482 to 1, nearly double the recommended 1 counselor for every 250 students. This issue caused problems before the pandemic, and may affect virtual counseling during the new school year. 

Students feel as if they won’t be able to connect the same way with their guidance counselors due to the distance created with virtual learning. The transition from in school to virtual could be a setback for the growing relationship between counselors and students. 

“Having a good relationship with your guidance counselor is essential to your growth as a high school student,” rising sophomore Lily Ukpere said. “As a freshman last year, that was the first year the counselors got to know me. It was hard to create the same relationship I had with my counselor in school, online.” 

However, guidance counselors continued to offer their best support to their students when schools closed down in the spring. Different schools tackled the situation effectively, while using various tactics to let their students know that they were still there for them. At Conestoga High School in Berwyn, Pennsylvania, counselors posted encouraging videos, made informational sheets about mental health, and continued to contact their students through email or phone. Despite the plan, Guidance Counselor Jennifer Kratsa at Conestoga still missed the face-to-face interaction she used to get with her students in school. 

“Working in Student Services is very personal. We get to know students well, so we missed the face-to-face interactions very much. We, just like everyone else, had to adjust to that. That doesn’t mean we had to love it, but we had to figure out a way to make it work so that everyone felt comfortable,” Kratsa said. 

Although the District hasn’t worked out the full plan for counseling in the fall, they know that it will be different than the Spring. The TESD District Plan; however, ensures that school counselors and mental health specialists will continue to meet students, despite the circumstances. Guidance counselors plan to use Microsoft TEAMS, a platform similar to Zoom, to communicate with their students. They aim to have group meetings in the beginning of the school year to explain the plan to students, parents, and teachers. Conestoga counselors want their students to remember that they will continue to offer their support, regardless of whether they are at home or school. 

“Overall, we just want to help students navigate their way through high school,” Kratsa said. “We hope that all our students know that we are here, ready and willing to help when they need us.”

In the end, counselors need to come back to school prepared to face a different future. The need for ample counselors may make it difficult for counselors to adjust to the new changes, but it may also shed light on the large deficiency and initiate changes for the future. 

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Merriam-Webster defines Entanglement as 1a: the action of entangling : the state of being entangled b: something that entangles, confuses, or ensnares 2: the condition of being deeply involved. 

The word entanglement has recently resurfaced due to allegations regarding the famous entertainment couple, Will and Jada Pinkett Smith. Jada alleging stepped out on Will. “I was an entanglement with August.” She is speaking of an alleged romantic relationship with R&B and Hip-Hop Soul Artist August Alsina. Whether Jada was involved in an entanglement or non-entanglement makes no difference to me because their personal life does not affect me or my and well-being. So that is not what I am talking about here.

The Entanglement we are all involved in is with the man I call 45, many call him the President of the United States. This is one of the worst entanglements I’ve seen in my lifetime… we’ve allowed this man, a narcissist, to become the most powerful man in the world. I’m not a doctor or therapist, but it seems clear to me that we have given power to a man who not only is a narcissist but also has daddy issues and never felt loved.  

That power, which was given to him when we chose to vote or not vote, allows him to appoint federal judges. He’s appointed far-right federal judges young enough to be on the bench for 40 years… that’s a lifetime to stop or prevent true social justice. That can’t be understated. With the help of Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell, they’ve put judges on the bench that will cause issues for women, Black and Brown, and LGBTQ communities for decades.

This man refuses to obey the law of the land and Republicans gave him a license to kill… 

Children are still in cages being separated from their families. Families are being deported. Food Assistance is being cut and recipients are currently only getting an average of $17 a month. He is trying to take away health care during a pandemic. Send children back to school without a plan and finances to help these schools, educators, and students. He is pardoning his friends out of prison so they won’t testify against him while others who need to be released are ignored because of their race, socioeconomic status, or political affiliation. He is not the cause of COVID-19 in America, but he is responsible for the rise in cases and unfortunate deaths… 138,000 deaths at the time I wrote this article. American has ¼ of all COVID-19 cases in the entire world due to his bad leadership. He has sold the country out many times by asking foreign governments to get involved in our elections on numerous occasions. A Russian bounty to kill US troops was recently exposed and he did nothing. And he always blames someone else for his constant failures as a leader.

I understand this is a challenging election year. But we as a nation are caught in the entanglement spider web of a mentally-ill, narcissistic, 74-year-old, racist man with daddy issues. Sadly, this election may not bring us the best alternative choice. But I’m hopeful it will give us the chance to get untangled from this leader so that we can begin to address racial injustice, and so many other problems in our society.

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The Importance of Mental Health Through The Mouths of Gen Z

Being part of “Generation Z” is something I enjoy for many reasons. One of them being that my generation has started and furthered conversations on important topics like mental health. Something that was once seen as taboo is now discussed more openly, and many of us recognize that mental health is just as important as physical health and should be taken seriously. Mental health is a broad topic and I struggled with what direction I wanted this piece to take. It came to me that the obvious solution was to include my perspective and perspectives from other people within my age group, then let the responses speak for themselves. I used a platform that my generation is familiar with: social media. Instagram allows users to post questions to their stories where people can respond, so I asked questions about important aspects of the topic: our generations’ approach to discussing mental health vs. the approach taken by earlier generations, how mental health care is viewed in our communities, and our definitions of self-care.

What has Gen Z done correctly & incorrectly when attempting to destigmatize conversations around mental health and bring it to the forefront?

No generation is perfect, and although I praise my generation for being open and honest about mental health, we do have our shortcomings. 

Responses were similar, stating that our generation does a good job of being vocal about it, discussing it freely instead of treating mental health problems like they’re shameful and should be hidden. When responding to what Gen Z needs work on, our coping mechanisms were criticized. One response said that while using humor to cope with issues is good, it gets misused to the point where it becomes a joke. A similar response said that our generation can sometimes make a mockery of it.

Since this piece focuses on Gen Z’s approach to mental health care, I thought there should be a comparison of previous generations’ approaches, to see the differences and what progress we’ve made. The responses all said that the older generation had an opposite approach and didn’t really address the issue at all. Getting help/healing wasn’t encouraged, and problems weren’t taken seriously. My friend stated that in the Black community, older people have a habit of “shoving it down,” which is something that I’ve witnessed so many times, and closely related to my next question.

Is mental health taken seriously in your community?

I made sure to ask this question because the stigma of mental health can vary in different communities. In the Black community, people often view mental illness as a “white person problem,” judging those who go to therapy or take meds. They may also be told that mental illness is “demonic” and will go away if they go to church, pray, or read the bible. While there’s nothing wrong with using your faith to deal with hard times, there’s a stigma around other avenues of help, a stigma that must be broken. Responses from two of my friends (who both identify as Black) stated the same thing. A response from a girl who is Bengali, said that people don’t take it seriously or view it as a joke, showing that not treating mental health care like the life-altering issue that it is, exists in different communities of color, which harms young POC.

How do you define self-care?

Self-care has become a buzzword in the past 2 years, so I wanted to include definitions of self-care created by young people. According to my friends, self-care is eliminating elements in your life that bring unnecessary stress/pressure, and finding healthy ways to cope when you feel you’re straining yourself. It means doing whatever makes you feel at peace whether it’s listening to podcasts, music, or reading a book. The answers that resonated with me the most were the responses acknowledging that self-care also means doing things that you don’t want to do, but need to. “Self-care is taking a step back and recognizing that you have to take care of yourself in ways beyond what you might actually want to, and confronting yourself with reality, while still being forgiving and kind to yourself in order to grow.” Furthermore, “self-care to me is all about bringing attention to yourself. Addressing the things that bother you or cause you to worry is the best thing you can do for yourself.” 

I really enjoyed hearing my peers’ opinions on mental health. We agree that taking care of your mental state is so important and that our generation has a different way of stressing the importance. While our generation still has things to work on—like learning when “humor as a coping mechanism” has gone too far and not encouraging unhealthy coping methods—we have a lot to say about how necessary mental health care is and what steps can be taken to create a world where people can be open about their issues and get help. We’re committed to making progress, which we have and should be proud of. 

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