“I Haven’t Found (The Humor In) It, Nor Do I Seek It”

“You’ve found the humor of it, I haven’t found it, nor do I seek it.” – Jerry Seinfeld

A video from 2011 recently resurfaced of comedians Chris Rock, Louis CK, Jerry Seinfeld, and Ricky Gervais, discussing the controversial use of the N-word. Chris Rock surprisingly gave Louis CK a pass to say the word and Jerry Seinfeld appeared to be the only one not willing to jump in and say the word…

Chris Rock: “He’s the Blackest White guy I fucking know.”

Louis CK: “You’re saying I’m a nigger?”

Chris Rock: “Yes… you are the nigger-est fucking White man I have ever (met).”

Moments later, Seinfeld added some much-needed clarity by admitting he doesn’t get it, nor has he ever tried to get it regarding his comedy. They all kept laughing, but if there was ever a time to push back regarding the use of a racial slur that is inevitably tied to horror and dark times in American History, it was then. While many people would’ve expected Chris, the only African-American in the room, to bring that clarity, it was Jerry instead.

Is this clip nearly 8 years old, sure. Why is it resurfacing now, who knows? But what we do know is that this word is beyond controversial, and it immediately caused people to react, and it wasn’t in support of Chris, Louis, or Rick… all of whom had a great time using the term and hysterically laughing about it.

Some of those reactions were caught on Twitter…





How do you feel about the word? And does Chris, as the only African-American on the set, deserve more blame than the other 3 comedians?