Who Will You Be?

For as far back as my hippocampus extends, I have heard the mantra, “I am a product of my environment.” A legion of research has supported the notion contained therein the mantra of the circumstances in which one grows up in can and often does have a major bearing on how the person matures. Personally, I concur; particular actions I have taken were majorly influenced by members of my family I had close contact with. Nonetheless, even though I was privileged to have great paradigms of success as family members, I grew up in an extremely destitute area where the ramifications of poverty were widespread and rampant. Consequently, some of my fellow adolescents propended towards selling drugs; robbing; and other activities a lot of people would consider to be nefarious in context. 

Due to some of the fellow adolescents I am referencing being considered as friends at the time, I had the opportunity to engage in the same activities as they were. Therefore, if the people I am referencing were individuals I liked being around, why did I not spend my time similar to them? Albeit I would be remiss and sheerly ignorant even to say my family members’ impact was not part of the answer to the question, I contend the truest component of why I did not do so is because I knew those actions did not align with the life I desired to live. Thus, the decision I made at that moment of my life was the crux of me being able to live the life I live now. 

That being said, I challenge each reader to gauge the standard of decisions he/she is making. Are the decisions you are making aligned with securing the desires of your heart? If not, please rectify. Often, more important to our success than the skills or knowledge we possess, are the decisions we make. 

My Thoughts on Ma’Khia Bryant’s Death

While seemingly gaining a small step in the right direction for America with the verdict of the Derek Chauvin trial, another African American gets shot by the police. Her name was Ma’Khia Bryant.

Officers are sworn to protect and serve, but often they show up, shoot, and another person dies. The officer’s bodycam shows that there only seemed to be mere seconds to make a decision when he sees what appears to be a knife in one girl’s hand attempting to stab another person. It was in those seconds that the officer had to make a decision. I find myself asking a myriad of questions: was firing 4 shots at Ma’Khia necessary? Was the gun the only solution or would a taser have sufficed? Would the response have been different if it were two White girls fighting? And lastly, I find myself asking a rather disturbing question… Who is to blame?  

Undoubtedly the police officer firing the 4 shots that claimed her life is the one who is at fault, yet I can’t seem to digest the fact that perhaps her death could have been prevented that day… before the police arrived. 

The bodycam not only shows her final moments, but also other adults who were present and filming the fight as it was taking place. The video shows others filming the altercation and others cheering. Not one of them decided to intervene and it puzzles me as to why? When the arguing started, not one person stepped in. When it continued, no one stepped in. When the knife appears, no one stepped in. Instead, they reached for their cell phones. I cannot shake this disturbing fact that our society has become accustomed to doing nothing. We’d rather record these altercations and upload them for pure entertainment… all for just another “World Star” moment.  

Capturing these abominable acts for entertainment is not too far removed from the lynching photography in the 1800s where photos of those lynched would be turned into souvenirs for those in attendance.  All of this, in mockery of a life.  

A girl lost her life yesterday and albeit harsh, I blame everyone in her community, not just the officer. I blame those adults who were filming for enjoyment. I blame the adults who seemingly cheered on the fight. I blame the adults for purposefully not intervening. The community failed her.   

It isn’t until they are willing to acknowledge the inherent racism that is deep within their system that change can happen. Racism and the lack of trust between Black Americans and the police has to change. Accountability and reform need to happen. While the conviction of Derek Chauvin seemingly proved we were embarking on a path, the correct path, the death of Ma’Khia Bryant alongside others killed by police proves we have barely begun to scratch the surface of change in America.  

America has to heal. We have to do better… we must do better.

Similar read: The Significance of Derek Chauvin’s Verdict


Human Extinction (Brought to You by Capitalism)

With the impacts of climate change already being confronted today and the catastrophes expected in the not-too-distant future, one would think that daily massive demonstrations and a restructuring of everyday life would be taking place all around the world. Is the threat of human extinction not a large enough impetus to snap the masses into action? The moral plague that is capitalism has paved the road to our extinction. The question now, and arguably the most important of our time, is whether or not we will address the ill-effects and effectively rid the world of the environmental destruction that capitalism has cast upon our world.  

Heavy-use of fossil fuels, industrial agriculture, and lifestyle choices are all aspects of the system that require analysis as we work towards minimizing humans’ contributions to climate change. One must note that these aspects are products of capitalism; they have caused the amount of degradation that they have due to the way in which world powers have adopted this exploitative system. Societies around the world must begin transitioning to renewable energy, switching to a farming system that is based upon agroecology, and leading more humble, sustainable lives. Addressing all of these aspects are necessary and commendable starting points but stopping there results in addressing only part of the issue at hand. We must interrogate the entire system that has led to this; we must interrogate capitalism. 

Central to capitalism is individualism; the value of one’s self over (and especially at the expense of) the well-being of society and its people. A true democracy is necessary to effectively challenge corporations’ contributions to climate change. Democracy requires strong, organized communities, something that the toxic value of individualism directly threatens. Under capitalism, it is not the people who have the power, but the corporations and the 1%. Individualism has served as a distraction in the way that it has prevented the masses from joining together to protect the Earth and its people from exploitation. We must abandon individualism and work towards rebuilding our communities so that we are better equipped to challenge corporations that continue to lead us down the path of extinction. 

Another value central to capitalism – and equally as dangerous as individualism – is that of “competition” or Social Darwinism, the theory that fueled individualism. This theory provides people with reason to view the Earth as something that must be conquered. Today we often hear political commentators and guests on corporate news explain the importance of competition and its apparent link to innovation in society. According to these folks, humans are, naturally, always competing with one another. This view is very much anti-human, as humans require one another to survive. In order to be a “winner” in this competition, you must exploit the Earth, you must over-consume, you must actively work towards not cooperating with others and the world around you. In order to “survive” in this “competition” of life, you must produce not what you need, not what your community needs, but as much as you can until all of your resources are used. You must not consume what you need, rather you must consume until you no longer have the resources to do so. It is an odious cycle fueling our extinction.

These values are at the core of capitalism, and the institutions which our society revolves around are founded upon capitalism and its ideals. It is because of this soul-crushing system, and of course our impending extinction, that we must urgently come together and radically restructure society. We cannot rely on the workings of capitalism to save us from this threat, nor can we only address practices that are simply a product of this system. We must actively challenge all that we have been conditioned to believe and accept. We must recreate strong, unified communities. The masses must recognize their collective power and work together to challenge the few who are leading us to the end of human civilization. 

This article was originally published on 3 October 2018.

Similar Read: A Center-Right Response to Climate Change

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Detroit Police Officer: “They Want Blood”

It’s a tough time to be in law enforcement. Police officers rarely weigh in and tell you what they think. And if they do, it’s off the record. Below is a Detroit Police Officer’s thoughts in response to a recent article discussing a young Black male being fatally shot by police after he opened fire on an officer in close range and attempted to flee.

The body cam footage is graphic, and many are calling it a justified shooting.

Officer’s Profile… (Black male / 27 years old / 4 years experience / married with two kids / resides in the city of Detroit):

Was it or was it not a good shooting as in justified? He tried to kill a cop and wasn’t even the focus of the investigation. You know it’s aggravating that my people call me names, spit at me, and don’t appreciate what we do. But on that same block a week earlier, 8 people shot, 3 of the 8 are dead, and no 1 batted an eye. We shoot someone who shot at us first and we are vilified. I leave my house every day knowing I may not come home at night for people who don’t care about me. My mayor runs the city like a business. I love him dearly but at the same time, I want to feel appreciated for what we do. Day in and day out, the Chief crucifies us. This is the first time he’s stood behind us out the gate. The people of this city don’t want rationality, they want blood and a war for no reason. We don’t want to harm anyone… we want to make money and enjoy our lives. We are threatened on a day to day basis by the community that doesn’t trust us for things officers did in other states. Like honestly man, I wouldn’t mind walking away from this and only protecting my family and letting the criminals have the city. No1 says thank you. No1 says anything other than spit on the work we do.

Referenced article: Brother of Hakim Littleton speaks out, wants meeting with Detroit city officials

Similar Read: Professional Fear

Professional Fandom: Donald Trump, Robert Mueller, Sports, and Pop Culture

Last Friday, the most anticipated political moment of the Trump Presidency occurred: The Mueller Report was completed and submitted to the Justice Department. Within minutes of the breaking news, every cable news channel, political blog, and Facebook newsfeed was flooded with a flurry of opinions without any new details. While it is a perfect example of the hyper-polarization of today’s political climate, it is also a microcosm of a much deeper trend that transcends politics. Like our interest levels in sports, music, and entertainment in general, our passion is no longer rational and under control. Due to the global reach of social media with immediate access to anything that strokes our most passionate interests, it is no longer acceptable to be a casual fan. You are required to devote a level of obsession that previously was considered psychotic.

Through social media and advancements in technology, fans of any form of entertainment have access to stoke their curiosity level from casual to knowledgeable to obsessive. There are Facebook groups, hashtags, fan pages, message boards, YouTube channels, smart apps, etc., dedicated to every cinematic or musical genre, sport, team, political candidate, and political or current event. If you are a fan of your college team, there are multiple message boards that provide in-depth analysis, recruiting updates, and behind-the-scenes stories regarding potential coaching challenges that keep you informed before any of it hits the mainstream news. If you are a fan of the WWE, you have an on-demand network that has every match, pay-per-view, or show. If you are a big video gamer, you can play every game online with people across the globe on every gaming console (Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, PC) that matches your skill level and personal tastes. Simply put, if you have more than a surface-level interest in something, you will be exposed to enough material to progress that interest from ‘Intrigued’ to ‘Passionate’.

Like our entertainment options, the same options are available for our political tastes. Whether it’s the cable news channels that unabashedly market to a specific political affiliation, Facebook groups and fan pages devoted to individual candidates or causes, or the pre-determined newsfeed of our Facebook page from the people we associate with, it is nearly impossible for someone with an interest in politics to not make the emotional leap from a responsible voter to outspoken advocate. As one’s interest grows, the pressure from fellow believers is to only communicate and associate with likeminded views while censuring out anything that challenges or competes with that unassailable principle. One’s community is no longer your next-door neighbours or co-workers; it’s the hundreds of people we communicate with daily across the world. In many cases, these ‘friends’ are people we have never met and will never meet in person.

As our created communities become more politically homogeneous, our tolerance for divergent views weakens. If this were a football game, we became ‘That’ fan with our face and chest painted in team colors standing in sub-freezing temperatures heckling every opposing player or fan present. No one questions our fandom, but opposing fans and even some mutual fans, will dodge us to avoid making a scene or listen to a guilt trip for being a ‘Fairweather fan’. As voters transform from the family taking their kids to their first ballgame to ‘That’ fan, the political candidates who best play to ‘That’ fan are the ones that rise to the top. Donald Trump is NOT the cause of this dynamic, he is the byproduct of it.  

President Trump is the perfect byproduct of this phenomena. For the most part, no one is a casual fan or critic of him. He uses this dynamic to provoke the (predictable) reactions from his audience. If this was a neutral stadium, he’s provoking the liquored-up super fans from both teams to go at in the stands. In a vacuum, we generally find this behavior disgusting, but the reality is we all had a hand in this. The reality is we are all guilty of being ‘That’ fan (I am guilty when it comes to A&M football, Spurs basketball, and the WWE). For some of us, it’s politics. For others, it’s a sports franchise, musical artist, or gaming community. Having passion for something is a GREAT thing, but if our passion controls our behavior and character it will continue to poison the well for future generations. 

Similar Read: A Center-Right Response to Climate Change

The Struggle Is Black, The Word Is Black

Language is a social contract. We agree on the meaning of words and consequently we can communicate.

We agree that some words are offensive so that we can use them to offend. If “f*ck you!” was not offensive, then it would have no meaning when we said it to someone we were angry with. 

Offensive words are generally determined in the aggregate, via all of the mechanisms of culture: Media, Communities, Families, Government, Entertainers, and so on.

So who is allowed to say the N-Word?

Generally, it is impolite to comment on someone who is overweight as being “fat.” A person who has weight issues may self-ridicule, but to address that person’s issues for them is commonly considered offensive or cruel.

Likewise, it is rude to call someone ugly or hideous if they are disfigured or unfortunately featured (whatever that may mean, after all beauty is in the eye of the beholder). 

Weight and appearance struggles belong to the individuals that bare them.

So, I would say that the N-Word represents centuries of torture, murder, rape, ridicule, and exclusion endured by African-Americans, and therefore the word belongs to them.

The word was (and sadly still is) used as a weapon specifically against African-Americans. To defang the word, the Black Community over the last century has taken the N-Word from racists and claimed it as their own. This seems just.

The struggle is Black, the word is Black.

In short: America’s social contract regarding the N-Word is that African-Americans can use it however they see fit and it is simply off limits for other Americans.

Most all Americans agree to this contract, at least the ones who understand privilege and history. Even racists tend to fear the word because of how strong the national understanding has become, and how damaging the punishment for misuse.

Are there exceptions? There are always exceptions, but I’d say that even the exceptions are determined by the Black Community – which is also a nebulous concept, comprised of Families, Media, respected Celebrities, etc.

“But why do Black people get to say something and not me? That’s racist!,” says the ignorant person who is unable to understand historical nuance and the complexity of linguistics.

Using the N-Word assumes ownership of the word, and the majority of our modern society has decided that non-Black people simply don’t own it.

Even non-Black people who are extremely allied to the Black Community and given permission in their own Black social circles to use the word generally understand not to say it outside of those limited, friendly circumstances. One person may have a social contract with his or her friends, but this does not typically extend into the rest of society (until the issue has resolved once and for all everywhere in the country).

Will there come a day when anyone can use the word without offense? Will the N-Word ultimately share a status with other historically racist words that no longer offend anyone because the group of people the word insults is no longer disenfranchised? Perhaps.

But until that day, if I am asked: “Can non-Black people say the N-Word?” 

I would say, “No. At least not until the Black Community says yes.”