The Delicate Art of Compromise

There are numerous parallels between the USA and Switzerland, a small country niched in the centre of the European continent. Both rely on federalism, both had to fight to gain or preserve their independence, and both have a huge number of weapons in circulation among the civil population. However, this is pretty much all there is to compare. Over the last couple of years, it has become obvious there is one characteristic these two nations do not share, and this is the art of compromise.

If Swiss citizens are allowed to keep their armed service rifle at home, it is strictly forbidden to own matching ammunition. Permits are delivered according to strict rules and security checks. Over the last 18 years, there have been very few mass shootings, resulting in less than 20 victims. However, army weapons tend to be used in suicides and when killing happens within the family or private circle. Swiss citizens rely very little on weapons when it comes to their own protection, but rather on private alarm systems and quick police intervention.

This peaceful approach to safety and crime is probably best mirrored in the political system and traditions of Switzerland. The seven members of the Conseil Fédéral (Federal Council) are elected by their party and each year, one of them is elected President. The major parties are usually represented according to a stable blend of political affiliation hence ensuring a balanced government. The Chambers are similarly constituted. Whereas the American campaign for presidency showcases the traditional battle between Republicans and Democrats, the Swiss live and swear by compromise. This is a very Swiss thing to disagree but go with the flow anyway. It does not mean each Swiss citizen is happy with the way things are, it is more a matter of submission to the supreme authority, the People, who regularly vote despite an obvious cultural, linguistic and social discrepancy.

Far from perfect, this system nevertheless allows people with different origins, languages, creeds and traditions to live quite peacefully together. Looking at what is happening to Switzerland’s neighbour France with the Yellow Vests Movement, or to the USA since the shutdown, it is only fair to wish they could function with compromise as well. This requires strong egos to back down and minor voices to rise, so they can meet halfway.

But the question remains, is it what powerful leaders are after? From the outside, it seems like the shutdown has nothing to do with the people, but embodies the personal and selfish victory –or defeat—one man will meet. Decisions need to be made, and what is at stake is not whether or not one man is right, but the wellbeing of thousands of people. Compared to the hundreds of migrants pouring into Europe, fleeing armed conflicts, famine and hopelessness, the USA cannot be fearing an invasion. As a nation of immigrants, who settled in the immensity of a country that already belonged to its Native peoples, the USA have a duty never to forget how they became to be.

Borders, walls, fences, and limits have probably always existed and today can still be admired as the stone ghosts of their builders’ will to protect themselves: the Great Wall of China, Hadrien’s Wall, Berlin’s Wall, or their ideological counterparts, the Iron Curtain, the Swiss Röstigraben* among others. Some know there is already a wall between the USA and Mexico, as depicted by the American writer T.C. Boyle in his 1995 novel “América”, the Tortilla Curtain rises between those who dream of a better future and those who seclude themselves in their gated communities to avoid contact with the invader. As the novel shows, the enemy is not always the stranger, and evil can grow its roots among the “rightful” ones.

No system, no regime, no government has ever been labeled perfect, but as the time comes, people can make a difference. As with children fighting over a toy, waiting for politicians to reach a compromise requires patience and understanding. But meanwhile, it requires people who work to receive the salary they deserve too. And this is why the art of compromise works in Switzerland: no one is left without a benefit. 

*Imaginary line separating French-speaking and German-speaking parts of Switzerland, alluding to a typical dish made of grated potatoes. 

America, Why So Stubborn?

Extreme polarization between both major political parties has played a significant role in the current chaotic state of our union. Middle ground has become toxic. Compromise is a dirty word. Mutual exclusivity and zero-sum outcomes are endemic. Why can’t Americans change their minds? Why are they so stubborn?

Perhaps they don’t realize that the solutions to yesterday’s problems may not solve today’s.

Perhaps they have forgotten that there is often more than one good solution to a problem.

Perhaps they are so convinced that their opponents’ solutions are wrong that they vilify each other with terms like “dangerous” or “evil.”

Perhaps their experience has never taught them that the best solution is sometimes a combination of the best parts of different solutions.

America is meant to be the combination of all the best ideas, people, and things that have ever existed: a “melting pot” of cultures and compromises. All the best sciences, arts, philosophies, foods, fashions, customs, military tactics, political and economic systems… America only became the greatest nation in the world by becoming the best parts of ALL the nations in the world.

But America must find the emotional temperament to constantly improve, adapt, and change with the times or it will cease to be the greatest. Self-esteem must be balanced to defeat stubbornness and embrace a greater truth in lieu of a lesser, personal opinion.

Arrogance believes it is better than it truly is.

Insecurity believes it is worse than it truly is.

Confidence knows exactly how good it is.

Humility knows exactly how bad it is.

The Arrogant will never explore their opposition’s point of view out of pride; will never concede a point during an argument out of spite; will attack their opponent instead of their problem; will tend towards dogmatism or authoritarianism; and will dismiss sound logic if it doesn’t serve their particular worldview.

The Insecure will yield their position to the apparently strongest voice; will be prone to herd behavior even while stampeding off a cliff; will shut down when provoked or challenged; and will timidly and unquestioningly blend in with the values (healthy or harmful) of their community, family, faith, or social group.

The Confident will defend truth over opinion; will entertain nuances within complex issues; can parry personal attacks with empathy and patience rather than retaliation; can concede a valid counterpoint comfortably without fear of conceding the entire argument; will give their opponents as much latitude as possible, even going so far as to help strengthen a counterargument in the case that it might actually be the better position; and ultimately will change positions entirely when stronger evidence or a superior argument demands it.

The Humble will not make excuses, but rather assume full responsibility for their mistakes; will not use every effort to deny culpability or excuse past transgressions or mistakes; will acknowledge their weaknesses and seek to remedy them; can receive constructive criticism as a gift rather than an attack; and will quickly realize when their positions are problematic or harmful, consequently abandoning them for healthier, happier, and more sustainable positions.

How can we fix our problems without admitting them?

How can we remain prosperous if we don’t defend what truly made us successful in the first place? 

Arrogance and Insecurity cause the stubbornness that makes this great nation struggle. To continue thriving, America must be Confident enough to stay true to what made it so great and Humble enough to change what has made it so terrible.