[H&M Board of Directors] Diversity = 0%

H&M is a global brand; but as you can see from the picture above, their board of directors lacks diversity, any diversity. The Stefan Persson family, the Swedish billionaire founding family, owns the majority of voting shares, and by any metric you prefer they’re clearly a successful brand.

However, “Coolest Monkey In The Jungle” is probably a phrase every business should know not to associate with black people in their marketing campaigns, let alone a young black male… especially a company like H&M, the second largest clothing-retail company in the world with more than 4,500 stores and 130,000 employees. At least you’d think they’d know not to do such a thing, but apparently not.

H&M has often used black models and other people of color to represent their brand. Just take a look at their 2016 Annual Report, which is their main snapshot and pitch to current and potential investors…

So if these are the images they portray to their investors, why would they think a young black male in a “Coolest Monkey In The Jungle” hoodie would fly?

Lack of diversity, pure ignorance? Either way, when will large companies stop making such careless mistakes that threaten their bottom line? The Weekend quickly responded and tweeted to his 8 million + followers that he would no longer be working with them.

The 24/7 meme creators quickly responded. Too bad this isn’t the image H&M released in an attempt to market their youth apparel.

Instead, they signed off on an insensitive and offensive image, which will probably end up being the first of many marketing blunders of 2018 that offends people of color.

Mayweather, Race, and The Great White Hope

Let’s face it; race relations in our country are declining and showing no sign of improvement. People have been forced to pick sides and compromising seems like the last resort. Many people on the right find themselves defending Trump and his agenda, and many on the left find themselves sarcastically asking, “What about her emails?”. The Charlottesville incident and the unfortunate murder of Heather Heyer hasn’t helped, and Trump’s tone deaf response and his inability to immediately denounce white supremacy seemed to add insult to injury, which made many Republican’s publicly criticize his “both sides” comment.

Our politics usually carry over to the professional arena or field of play, and boxing provides many examples, both good and bad. African Americans have dominated the sport for more than a century, and they’ve inevitably become political figures due to the social and political status of our country. In 1908, Jack Johnson became the first African American boxer to win the World Heavyweight Title. Johnson fought during a highly contentious and racist era, and his public relationships with white women only added fuel to the fire. Congress made it illegal to transport prizefighting films across state lines because they were so concerned that Johnson’s dominance of white fighters would cause race riots. In fact, many white people hoped to find a white fighter who could finally defeat him, hence the term “The Great White Hope.” Joe Louis was no different. Before his historic second fight with the German Max Schmeling, he met with President Franklin D. Roosevelt at the White House. Despite gross inequalities and racism in America (and fascism in Europe), there was no doubt that both whites and blacks were pulling for Louis to win. Shortly thereafter, Muhammed Ali followed in his footsteps as the next political figure in boxing.

Boxing is truly a unique sport, which makes it impossible for prizefighters to avoid politics whether they want to or not. Unlike most sports, boxing is a one-on-one battle – there are no teammates to lean on or backups to replace you. So it’s the true epitome of strength and perseverance. Unlike the American Olympic teams we field every 4 years, it lacks team diversity because the team is just one person, the actual boxer. Diversity is one of the main benefits of team sports; however, the lack of diversity in boxing makes the issue of race unavoidable. So whenever a big fight like Mayweather – McGregor arrives, which matches up a black fighter vs. a white fighter, race is an issue and people inevitably pick sides.

Despite Floyd Mayweather’s previous claims and convictions of domestic violence, his flashy attitude, his “all lives matter” statement, and his support of Donald Trump, many African Americans still found a reason to support and root for him. That support might be tied to rooting for black men regardless of their past shortcomings or rooting for the American athlete when his or her opponent represents another nation. On the other hand, that support might be due to their lack of knowledge regarding all of the above issues, or it might be McGregor’s flashiness and loose lips referring to a gym of black men training as “dancing monkeys” or telling Mayweather to “dance for me boy” during one of their promotional tours. Maybe it’s a combination of things, either way, I think it’s safe to say that very few African Americans were pulling for McGregor.

On the other hand, many white people were rooting against Mayweather. Maybe it was years of his arrogant attitude that they could no longer stomach, his domestic violence past, his undefeated record and wanting to root for the underdog, or maybe it was the fact that McGregor was an Irishman. Whatever their reasons were, I think it’s safe to say that McGregor’s racist comments about monkeys and dancing probably weren’t one of them, or at least didn’t impact their decision of who to root for like it did for African Americans.

Is it a naïve assumption to suggest that all African Americans were rooting for Mayweather just because he was African American, or that all white people were rooting for McGregor just because he was white? Of course, it is. But as many issues fall on racial lines, boxing, especially when the men or women fighting represent different nations, is usually no different. President Trump, on the campaign trail and during his early presidency, made patriotism a hot button issue. Despite Floyd’s support of Trump, ironically, there wasn’t much patriotism or support on display for the American fighter as he vied to remain undefeated and go 50 – 0. His victory would’ve further ingrained his place in history as arguably the best boxer of all time, and many American’s clearly wanted to see him fail.

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Diversity in Recruiting, Pt. I

Last June, an article was published by The Root naming Black women the most educated group in the US. That’s something to celebrate, right? Well, yes. Except the article then went on to say that in a recent study, black women were found to make up only 8% of private sector jobs and less than 2% of leadership roles. How is it possible that black women are proving to be highly educated, but are still having trouble with representation in Corporate America? Is this an issue that is only affecting black women? I think it’s fair to say that there are many educated black men as well as other minorities and even veterans who can relate to the job market hustle.

Applying for a job is no easy task. You have to research the company in order to write a decent, personalized cover letter, check all your LinkedIn connections to see if anyone has a connection to help you get a foot in the door, make sure your resume or CV reflects the needs of the company, etc. After all of that, you send your application in hoping to at least receive confirmation that it was received. Then, you have to start all over and do the same thing for the next company. It can be really draining. Imagine doing that for weeks or months on end with no hope of even getting a job interview.

Meanwhile, on the other side, a hiring manager sends out a job description to their network of colleagues and associates who then recommends candidates from their own network. Many times, those networks are built from college and professional organizations. If the college or professional organization is not diverse, you’re essentially going to get a carbon copy of what you already have.

Ideas are born from the combination of your education and experience. If everyone has the same educational background and similar life experiences, how can new and innovative ideas be formed? It takes bringing people from different backgrounds and different walks of life, aka diversity, to make businesses thrive.

How can an organization foster diversity? By breaking out into new worlds unexplored. There are so many professional organizations that are geared towards minority groups. Find them. There are many universities that have Black student associations. Establish a relationship. Howard University, Spelman College, Morehouse, etc. are producing some of the top college graduates in the country. Go there and recruit. It takes effort.

We’ve all been told that hard work pays off. That’s one of those quotes that I believe to be true. Putting in the work to diversify your work environment is definitely one of the jobs worth the effort. Not only does hiring more diversely drive innovation and creativity, but you’re also likely to capture more market share. Having a diverse staff means your company knows how to communicate and connect with different cultures, and eventually convert them into customers. By increasing diversity, you could essentially be increasing your company’s financial performance.

It is now 2017 and it’s time that we stop talking about making things more diverse and just do it. Systematic differences, which negatively impact minorities, have been in place since the dawn of this country, but it’s clear that many of us are excelling regardless. Will the hard work of those individuals pay off? I definitely hope so, but it’s hard to achieve success without opportunity. The time for sharing those opportunities is now.

Ideas Make This Country Great

As a Muslim-American, I spend a decent amount of time thinking about patriotism. This has become increasingly so as some far right politicians and “conservative media outlets” seem to be intent on suggesting that my citizenship and my religion are incompatible. So what does it mean to be a patriot? Does it mean blind support of everything the United States does? Does it mean that anything the government does, especially anything it does abroad, I have to support? Does not doing so make me unpatriotic?

My answer to all the above is no. American patriotism extends far past borders, political affiliations, and current administrations. It has nothing to do with any specific policy objective, and it has even less to do with politics. It is not nationalism. It is idealism.

Ideas make this country great. Concepts like diversity and pluralism. Values like freedom and liberty. The rights guaranteed to us in the constitution. Being a patriot means standing by these values; no matter the circumstance, no matter the time period, and regardless of what may be politically expedient.

Patriotism has nothing to do with unconditional support of the government. In fact, I would argue that unconditional support of anything is toxic, and unconditional support of the government is almost certainly unpatriotic. When the NSA violates the constitutional right to privacy and the Fourth Amendment protection from unreasonable searches by conducting warrantless domestic surveillance it is unpatriotic to be unopposed. Thinly veiled attempts at retroactive justification by appealing to issues of National Security aren’t patriotic. They’re hypocritical and contrary to the ideals that this country was founded on. As Benjamin Franklin famously wrote, “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

To make this more contemporaneous, when Donald Trump proposes a completely un-American Muslim Ban we can’t allow silence to take the guise of patriotism. Silence is not patriotism. Unconditional support is not patriotism. Standing up for American values is patriotism, regardless of who is in office and what their policies entail.

Your Opinion, Please LEAVE Home Without It

On June 26, 2015, my birthday by the way (shameless plug I know), the United States Supreme Court decided to amend the US Constitution and grant same-sex couples the right to marry. I think it’s important to note that this decision was made despite the United States Supreme Court being headed by Chief Justice John Roberts, who was a George W Bush appointee and very conservative. Even if a particular state did not have gay marriage, all states had to recognize gay marriage. In its aftermath, contrary to the opposition belief, civilization and traditional marriage hasn’t faltered in the two years since the Supreme Court decision. Despite the world turning out just fine, some people’s opinion on the idea of legalized same sex marriage is an issue that must take precedence over stuff that actually matters. Unfortunately, those same people have real power and influence.  

On Friday June 30, a mere two years and a few days removed from the watershed Supreme Court decision, the nine-member Texas Supreme Court unanimously reversed a lower court’s ruling favoring the city of Houston’s decision to extend health and life insurance benefits to the spouses of city employees in same-sex marriages. The court ordered the case sent back to the trial court in Houston. In summary, the Texas Supreme Court said that while same-sex marriage is legal, the reach and ramifications of the rights of gay couples have yet to be determined. Whatever that means. Here’s the thing, if the United States Supreme Court states same-sex couples have the right to marry, that would mean there aren’t any contingencies. Right? So what is the issue?

I can tell you. Sexual orientation and the opposition to it in any fashion is usually wrapped in someone’s “faith”. I really don’t buy that, I think its pure bigotry, but I’ll go with “faith” for the sake of argument. Even still, that’s your opinion. Your faith is your own theological taking, not the worlds. More importantly, no one should suffer or have their life altered because of your faith, especially when those alterations come via the hands of the government. There are real world consequences when someone’s benefits are altered.

A common phrase people throw around when stating off the wall political references is “well it’s just my opinion”. No it’s not just an opinion. An opinion is Pepsi or Coke. LeBron or Jordan. Nas or Jay Z. A political opinion is a DECISION, its impactful, it’s alerting. A kneejerk political opinion has real world consequences. In our country, political opinions have gone unchecked, more extreme, polarizing, and caused national issues to become stagnate.  

A viewpoint and an opinion is worthless when a same sex couple walks into a doctor’s office in Houston next week and unbeknownst to them, their coverage is frozen and they have to pay out of pocket. That $250 out of pocket cost now causes them to be able to get a part on their car fix, and have to only use one car. And then and then and then (in my “Dude where’s my car” voice), but in all seriousness, one unneeded decision on the part of the Texas Supreme Court alters countless lives. For what? There’s nothing wrong with having an ideology, we all have them. From taxes to foreign aid, we must have different viewpoints to have lively debates and discussions. There’s something very dangerous when that ideology becomes fixated on stances that are non-secular, separatist, denies access to services, and quite frankly wastes time.