The Cost of Immigration

It seems as if America is trying to make up for the abandonment of the values and principles for which it stands. The treatment of immigrants seeking asylum from countries such as Haiti and Central America has been deplorable. Separation of children from their families, using horses and lassos to gather people and keeping them from entering the US are just some of the issues surrounding the border crisis that have left us wondering if there is a better way to rectify the issues regarding US immigration policy. 

The Biden Administration is now discussing payments of $450,000 per person to immigrant families who were separated at the southern border during the Trump Administration. This could become very problematic, leading to countless questions; questions not even the current Administration can answer. Why are the payments to the families so large? Why is this the only solution? Are there any other alternatives? Is there no other form of support? What about everyone else? There are past atrocities yet to be resolved in its entirety.

The half a million-price tag discussion comes as the result of various lawsuits filed due to the physical and emotional trauma of separating children and their families. This solution sends several messages. America does not care about those who have immigrated legally and work in this country. Given that our economy has not fully recovered from the pandemic, inflation in gas prices, supply chain shortages, and millions still struggling financially, the message is clear; That America does not take care of its own. That message alone will not serve the current administration well, especially considering Trump will likely run again in 2024.

To me it is noticeably clear that they are attempting to take some course of action to rectify the mistakes of the Trump Administration. While I applaud the merits of the government attempting to make atonement for the ill treatment of illegal immigrants, but as an African American woman who lives in a country that is primarily comprised of immigrants, it leaves me begging to ask, what about the atrocities of the past; of those who were enslaved, brought to America, and built this country with their hands? What about the trauma that has lasted hundreds of years where the remnants of that trauma can still be seen today? There are just too many questions with no answers whatsoever.

President Biden has not had much to say regarding these payments, dodging the question, “Is it true we’re going to give $450,000 to border crossers who are separated?” by turning away and ignoring the question when asked directly. Honestly, I can’t blame him for turning his head… because how do you justify to the American people such large payments? How does he justify supporting reparations for African Americans yet still extraordinarily little headway has been made?

Once again, we need the United States to just be better. We need the Biden Administration to do something that would be beneficial for the immigrants coming into the US; better policies and infrastructure so there are no issues with processing individuals and families. Find additional ways to support those coming in while they go through the process and if monetary compensation is needed, then is should be within reason. The Administration needs to address their support of reparations as he once stated during his campaign for presidency. US citizens deserve full transparency and unfortunately, we will not get it… wondering what the full cost of immigration is.

Similar Read: The Myth of the Line: The Dog Whistle in the Immigration Debate