The Trump Train Wreck

The Trump Administration is on a collision course, hurtling headlong into the relative normality of the GOP. All of the unpalatable, offensive things that many of us saw so plainly long before Donald Trump was elected, are apparently now crystal clear to them for the very first time.

I have always had cause to shake my head at the GOP and the religious right on occasion, but I have never constantly been aghast at the behavior of their leaders as I have been over the last couple of years. And only now – when their “prince who was promised” has, for all intents and purposes, endorsed the politely termed “alt right” (aka racists who call themselves patriots) – are they abandoning the ship in droves.

That was the last straw for them.

Do you know what the last straw wasn’t?

The last straw was not that Trump had dealings with Putin’s shady administration, endangering national security and putting our entire country in jeopardy (don’t tell me it’s not proven; the evidence is simply being ignored by his followers).

It wasn’t the fact that he built his cabinet largely of Wall Street fat cats and coal magnates, who have the sole objective to enrich themselves, damned the poor souls who are crippled with the burden of making them richer.

It’s not the fact that he has, with the stroke of a pen, hobbled our efforts to clean up the environment by crippling the very agencies charged with that task and installing a climate change denier to head the EPA, nor by brazenly walking away from the Paris Accord.

It wasn’t the firing of James Comey, for doing nothing more than his job, nor was it the fact that he threatened to fire Robert Mueller for investigating any collusion with the Russians in his bid for the White House.

It wasn’t for praising Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte for his murderous campaign against suspected drug criminals without evidence or trial.

It wasn’t that he effectively and efficiently disintegrated the United States’ credibility on the world stage, dragging our country from respectable to laughable during his first trips abroad.

It wasn’t the patently dishonest statements he has made on Twitter, in interviews and speeches, and at press conferences – all on camera – and denies having done so even when presented with the evidence.

It wasn’t the on-camera braggadocio in claiming that he can grab a woman’s genitals with impunity, or the number of lawsuits against him for sexual assault.

It was not the literally dozens of lawsuits against him for fraud and failure to pay his contractors.

The GOP and religious leaders drew a line in the sand when Trump became inconvenient and unprofitable for them. Displaying sympathy for racists was that last straw.

All the above mentioned straws before then were okay, I suppose.

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Charlottesville, Virginia… The LCR Responds…

We asked 4 of our contributors with different political views to weigh in on the Charlottesville rally that unfortunately turned violent last week, and this is what they had to say…

“Watching the events unfold in Charlottesville, Virginia confirmed to me that we as a Nation are truly going backwards in time. Seeing the violence erupt and hearing the vile chants saddened me. I waited patiently for President Trump to come out and address the Nation. Though there are many of his stances I do not agree with, President Trump is still my Commander in Chief. Unfortunately, though he had the ear of America, President Trump’s speech left so much to be desired. I was not comforted, not inspired, and especially did not like President Trump’s underlying tone when he stated “on many sides.” – Left Healthcare Professional 

“This past weekend’s terrorist tactics of the white supremacist groups in Virginia shouldn’t be too shocking. Though outwardly violent and thankfully not the everyday norm, many non white Americans feel a form of extreme and punishing outcomes everyday. Outcomes in which white Americans never deal with. From racial driven draconian drug law enforcement to environmental racism, many Americans saw this weekend as another episode in the story in which is America.” – Independent Texan Male

All Americans have the right to assemble and peaceably protest (even White Supremacists). The issue in Virginia is that a subsection of White Supremacists are taking violent action against their counter-protestors, possibly feeling bolstered and empowered by the aggressive rhetoric of our current President. The so-called “alt-right” no longer feels ashamed, with their ideologies represented in the White House by Steve Bannon at the very least. Although it is unfair to judge an entire group or ideology by the actions of a single terrorist in their ranks, it IS fair to judge a group by their reaction (or lack thereof) to this gravest of crimes against our Country and our Freedom. Anyone who views the violence in Charlottesville, VA as unacceptable must explicitly condemn it as so or America will endure much worse.” – Unaffiliated Humanist Musician

“The events of the last two days in Charlotesville are a worrying sign of where this country is headed. The hatred that was on display in Charlottesville as was the terrorist attack that resulted from it was both shocking and upsetting (an attack reminiscent of tactics used by ISIS). The president’s refusal to explicitly call out white nationalists was disgraceful, especially coming from the man who criticized Obama for not using the words “radical Islamic terrorism,” and was seen by those groups as a tacit signal of support. It was however encouraging to see the backlash he received for his comments from his colleagues in the GOP. One can only hope that they will continue to take principled stands against him.” – Center Left College Student 

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