Being Incarcerated with COVID-19… What They’re Not Telling Us

Here we are again. In the midst of a COVID outbreak. I was hoping we had learned something the first time around; however, that turned out to be just a hope. I’m especially disgusted with the way Governor Gretchen Whitmer, or should I say “Big Gretch” hasn’t stepped in to do more for MDOC (Michigan Depart of Corrections). I should also express my utter disdain, disgust, and outright fury at how Heidi Washington, Director of MDOC, is handling this. The men and women housed in these facilities are human and still have rights. The state of Michigan and MDOC have an obligation to keep these men and women safe, and right now they are doing the opposite. They are intentionally exposing inmates, staff, and surrounding communities to COVID-19 by continuing to ignore the deplorable conditions at many facilities that allow for rapid growth of the virus. 

Let’s go to Central Michigan Correctional Facility in Saint Louis, MI. 

There are approximately 2560 men housed at this Level 1 Facility and as of November 21, 2020, 1566 inmates have tested positive and 806 inmates have been identified as close contact. Testing ceased until December 3, 2020. 94% of the inmates in the facility are COVID positive. What does that mean for the inmates? What does that mean for the staff, who leaves and goes home every day? The counselors are calling off left and right because they are either COVID positive or close contact. What does this mean for the greater community who come in contact with the staff on a daily basis? Why hasn’t Big Gretch and Heidi responded? What are they waiting on? 

There is more, Shall I continue?

Just two weeks ago, they gave these adult men hot dogs and carrots as a meal and for dinner a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, only to turn around and give them peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with cereal for breakfast. These meals are nowhere near the required calorie count for a healthy person, yet with 94% of the inmates COVID positive, this is the meal they were given. How are these men expected to have any shot at recovery with an imposed unhealthy diet, limited access to nutrient-rich food and vitamins? 

Additionally, the men are not being given time outside, which is limiting their access to fresh, clean air. This takes minimal effort from the staff. Recall, this is a Level 1 facility where many men are on their way home. In fact, many are incarcerated for non-violent offenses and have less than 5 years remaining on their sentence. Where is the humanity? 94% of the population is COVID positive and close contact, this number doesn’t include staff. The inmates aren’t being given nutritious food so the least MDOC could do is ensure they have time outside for movement and access to fresh air. 

There’s more, Shall I go on?

The facility is NOT being cleaned. Period. The inmates are given non-germicidal bleach to clean; however, the directions state the bleach has to sit for 15 minutes before it’s deemed effective. Let’s be clear, it is NOT sitting for 15 minutes before it’s being wiped up. Why not purchase the cleaning supplies suggested by the CDC, unless of course, you don’t care. 

For one unit in particular, there are currently ONLY 3 porters assigned when there should be 12. You have 25% of the manpower needed to adequately clean the unit. 

Governor Whitmer and Heidi Washington do NOT care about these men and their actions support this claim. Let’s be clear, the information I’ve shared is only a snippet of what the inmates and the staff are experiencing. These men are already physically incarcerated behind bars, now they have to finish out their sentence with a virus running rampant, no access to adequate cleaning supplies, subpar food, and no time to go outside. This is a death sentence imposed by Governor Gretchen Whitmer, “Big Gretch”, Heidi Washington, and MDOC.

Why aren’t more people talking about this??

This article was originally published on 3 December 2020.

Similar Read: Crime Pays

Not Counting Calories (Cohen And Faithful Trumpers)

During the 2016 Presidential campaign, Donald Trump regularly ate McDonald’s and other fast food. Each meal contained nearly a day’s worth of calories and sodium! Almost double the recommended daily dose of saturated fat and two and a half times the sugar he should eat in a day, according to US Dietary Guidelines.

When the National Champion Clemson Tigers visited the White House, the traditional catered meal wasn’t an option due to the government shutdown. Instead, Trump famously paid for their dinner… an all-out fast food buffet extravaganza! Enough food that surely broke the record for calories per person. 

Trumps eating habits would only bother one who actually took their health seriously. And one of the ways you do that is by watching your calorie intake.

Even without the bun, which is how Trump eats his sandwiches, fast food is ridiculously unhealthy. But Trump doesn’t care about that, and you know who else isn’t counting calories… beloved Trump voters just like Trump himself, they don’t care about calories. 

Even though there’s a not so shocking correlation in that the states who voted for Trump are also the most obese states in the nation, I’m not just talking about food. I’m talking about the evidence that continues to pile up against the improprieties of the Donald Trump presidency.

The Cohen interview… hearing… spilling the tea… whatever you want to call it, it’ll have zero effect on Trump voters, despite how damaging it was against the Trump presidency.

Why is this important? 

Because Trump has entrenched a cult, and not based solely on party lines; but of people who believe his acts are on the right side of history. They don’t really believe this, nor do they care. They care that Trump is a president mostly for the preservation and advancement of Whiteness, more so than any president since Reagan.

Though that’s toxic for all, it’s what they know (a White majority thinking nation) and what makes them most comfortable. Just like fast food. You see that golden arch after a long drive or long day, and no matter how much you know it will hurt your stomach and destroy your diet, you begrudgingly pull into the drive-thru line and place your order… a number 2… super-sized… with a Diet Coke, of course. 

Kaepernick… Scam or Sale?

“Any calls for Colin Kaepernick to play quarterback again should be given the classic “who dis” response.” 

The quarterback position is the single most important position in all of team sports. The performance of a quarterback sets the tone for winning. Find me a team that’s winning and has a chance to win it all, and you’ll easily find a high performing quarterback.

At any given time during an NFL season at least a dozen teams will be in the need for a starting quarterback. And that need is based on two very simple factors: health or performance.

Since last season there’s been one quarterback waiting for a call that will never be made. That quarterback would easily be an upgrade at starting quarterback for at least half of the National Football League’s 32 teams. Of course, I’m talking about Colin Kaepernick. 

As someone who is a strong Kaepernick fan for both his playing abilities and being the originator of the recent NFL player protests, my opinion is different than most regarding his push and desire to re-enter the league. My position: (at this point) Kaepernick should not answer a call from a team considering to sign him. 

To be clear, I fully support Kaepernick’s collusion lawsuit against the NFL. But for two simple reasons, I would rather not see him play again.


Back in 2015, Kaepernick had his season cut short due to injury. He still played in 2016 which was his last season in the NFL, but it was clear he hadn’t fully recovered. Kaepernick is still only 31 years old, ten years younger than starting quarterback Tom Brady. With almost two years away from football, the absence of the physical toll on his body should have him at 100 percent. But why risk any injury by lining up underneath center again? Those who may have a vendetta against Kaepernick, coaches and players, might embark on a targeting plan against Kaepernick to hurt him with a vicious hit. Just 6 years ago the Saints were exposed for Bountygate, which was a system under Defensive Coordinator Gregg Williams where players were rewarded for injuring opposing players. Like I said, Kaepernick should not risk his health. 


As of today, Kaepernick’s career spans six seasons that produced over 12,000 passing yards and 70 touchdowns. His numbers should remain intact to continue shaming NFL teams and give credence to his collision suit. Since the 2016 offseason, the quarterbacks signed to active rosters range from players who threw for as many yards as I did in college (spoiler I never played college football) to a guy who led his team to an 0-16 record. Yes, for the non-football fans reading this, that quarterback’s team didn’t win a game the entire season when he was the starting quarterback; yet, he was given another try.  

Lastly, it will inevitably take some time to get used to the speed of the game, which could hinder his initial comeback. Kaepernick looks great in a t-shirt and shorts tossing the ball 50 yards, but there’s no simulating the speed of an NFL game. Every single incomplete pass, interception, fumble, failed 3rd conversion, etc., will be highlighted by his very large and influential enemies. I don’t want to give them the pleasure. 

Kaepernick should continue what he’s doing… fighting his case and taking part in the social changes he kneeled for in the first place. His NFL history is written and remains respectable. Unlike his first career in the NFL, he totally controls his second career. And he won’t have to worry about wearing a helmet and shoulder pads to do it. 

The Deadly Decisions of Donald Trump

NPR published a story this week highlighting the recent increase of the number of coal miners diagnosed with progressive massive fibrosis, otherwise known as black lung disease, in central Appalachia, the heart of coal mining in the US. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) says that they have identified the largest cluster of advanced black lung disease ever reported. More than 400 new cases between 2013 and 2017 were reported by just three clinics in the area.

The disease was nearly wiped out in the mid-90s, with those clinics reporting five to seven cases per year. The number of cases has multiplied alarmingly to five to seven cases every two weeks or so. The spike is attributed to several causes, including longer shifts and the mining of thinner coal seams, grinding up the surrounding rock into silica dust, which is deadlier than the coal dust itself. The increase of layoffs and retirements also contributed, and brought in more miners into the clinics to take advantage of federal black lung compensation programs.

The Trump Administration is looking into rolling back some of the protections implemented just two years ago, which increased protections for miners by forcing operators to limit mine workers’ exposure to the dust by adding filters to the work areas, among other things. While the administration may not touch the regulations themselves, they are impacting the ability to enforce those regulations.

As in other departments, Trump’s strategy appears to be hiring the fox to guard the henhouse. The former mine safety chief of the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration, Joe Main, was the driving force behind these tougher regulations. Trump’s pick to replace him is David Zatezalo, former chairman of Rhino Resources, which has been cited numerous times for mine safety violations.

Workers in the coal industry might see this appointment as bringing in one of their own. The coal industry is declining, and miners need to feed their families. However, no critically-thinking human can deny that the coal industry is killing people, destroying families, abusing the environment, and enriching the oligarchs. When one takes into consideration all of the factors, Trump’s rhetoric about caring for the coal miners rings hollow.

Similar read: Betrayal of the Coal Miner