Citizens vs. Government: The Crisis in Haiti

It has been three weeks since the assassination of Haitian President, Jovenel Moïse. The circumstances surrounding his death are evocative of a Tom Clancy novel with no clear answers, which begs to ask who is to blame and what is the fate of the political future of Haiti and its people?

July 7, 2021, President Jovenel Moïse was killed in his private residence by a group of Colombians (mercenaries) alongside other individuals that may or may not have been on the inside. Arrests were made, although it is unclear as to who hired the Colombians to carry out this task. Similar to Tom Clancy’s work, one major devastating event riddled with political repercussions, is designed to shed light onto deeper issues at hand.  

Violence, protests, and civil unrest are not uncommon for the people of Haiti. The rising instability of the country has given headway to forge the path of a soon to be dictatorship. The circumstances surrounding his assassination may be unclear; however, what isn’t unclear is the state of unrest of the Haitian leading up to his death. His death is one of the many threats to Haiti’s democracy; but the livelihood and well-being of the people of Haiti leaves me wondering if the US should get involved.

Without a fully functioning government, gangs openly run rampant through the streets displacing many Haitians who now have to live in schools as their homes are now reduced to ash. Serious challenges such as increase in gang violence, shortages of food, ill equipped hospitals, and with Haiti being one of the least vaccinated countries, the United States can make efforts to help restore a sense of calm in the country, yet their involvement should be limited. 

Undoubtedly the U.S. has made some significant financial contributions and support to Haiti, there are issues that remain at large for this country that is spiraling deeper into a world of chaos. While I do believe that the US government should get off their ass to actually support Haiti, there is only so much that should be done.  

The Biden-Harris Administration released a statement indicating ways they are supporting Haiti. They included: assistance in the investigation on the attack; over $300 million in security assistance and infrastructure; as well as providing temporary protected status due to the lack of access to food, water, and healthcare (prior to Moïse’s assassination). This support was an attempt to counter a decision made by the Trump Administration in 2017, which ended special protections for the Haitian people despite indications that it was not safe for many of them to return home following the devastating 2010 earthquake. Despite the new administration’s efforts, the country has seen an increase in protests, violent acts, and kidnappings ever since Jovenel Moïse halted elections, which would’ve kept him in office for an additional year (2022). This move angered and ignited protests against the government calling for the president to abdicate his responsibilities as they felt he had unlawfully extended his term. Unrest has intensified as the U.S. government supported this move to remain in power until 2022, a move that ultimately place some responsibility on the United States.

Considering the state of Haiti today in the wake of this assassination, there are no clear answers as to what should be done. Perhaps that is the reason the US has stalled on requests for troops to help establish a sense of order simply because they have absolutely no idea what to do without causing further unrest. I don’t believe that US involvement in governmental affairs such as the electoral process would be beneficial, but restoring order might be a possibility. It is the Haitian people who deserve their voices to be heard and decide who their next leader will be. The events of weeks past, like a Tom Clancy novel, leaves me more confused with no answers, and unfortunately waiting for the next book in the series of the ongoing crisis in Haiti.

Similar Read: “Sending Them Back To An Impoverished Land Is Simply Cruel!”



Brooklyn Hospital was under siege during the first wave of the coronavirus outbreak in April. I live one block away from the Civil War era hospital. As ambulances raced through the empty streets, I could hear the echo of the sirens reverberate off of the buildings nearby.

The sirens wailed for weeks. To keep my mind occupied I had thrown myself into my work to preserve my sanity. From my brown upholstered chair in the corner of my apartment, I could hear every ambulance that passed by. At the sound of every siren, I could envision the darkness that was about to overtake the nation.

A tsunami of past traumas crashed into my mind as I recalled the lasting impacts of 9/11 on New York City, the country’s abysmal public healthcare system, and America’s world-renown legacy as one of the most viscously racist nations in the history of mankind.

I was defiant in my refusal to be mentally waterboarded by the sensationalism of the American media. Having already experienced NYC during 9/11, I already knew that the city was in dire straits in the years ahead. With the hourly increase in ambulance sirens and the death tally rising on my television screen, I clicked off the news media and turned up the volume of my soulful music collection.

In the weeks ahead, I dove into the business deals that I was working on and leaned heavily on my depression coping mechanisms. I was successfully navigating my way through murky mental waters until May when the recorded murders of two separate unarmed black men were released for the world to consume.

I sat there staring into the nothingness that I was feeling inside. Wondering yet again how America first contracted this disease of ruthless systemic racism. For a moment of relief, I imagined the scene from the television series Game of Thrones where the fictional character, Jorah Mormont, was inflicted with the disfiguring Grayscale skin disease by the exiled Stone Men. The disease of American systematic racism would reveal its hardened gray, scaly, scarred skin to us all in the midst of this devastating public health crisis.

(Silverbacks Note: Greetings from Amsterdam North! Frankly, it’s been difficult for me to write over the last several months. I began to find my stride in beginning to share my personal narrative with you in Music Is Life and Power of Love. I still have more to share on that basketball journey but it’s been tough to write from a negative headspace. As I attempt to find my roar again, I have been busy growing other aspects of the Soulful Silverback brand.

Since I last published a piece, we released the Silverback’s first reading mixtape on American racism titled “Chaining Day” (check out the fire album cover art here), we launched our first paid advertising marketing campaign (Oy! the comment section was divisive), we replenished the t-shirt inventory on the Silverbacks Shop (go cop some merch!) and registered the business as a company in the Netherlands (pretty dope, right?). More on this in the coming months.

It’s often been said that the pen is mightier than the sword. And y’all know I’m damn nice with my pen. This vignette is one of those occasions where I felt that I had to pick up my sword. Warning: parental advisory, colorful language in the words ahead.


P.S. – Click on the section hyperlinks to listen to the tunes.)


I sank deeper into the padding on the chair, deeper into thought, and was stunned by the intersectionality of this mounting crisis. I could taste the bitterness of America’s racist bitches brew hit the bumps on my palate.

It’s all of these nauseating miasmic ills mixing together: this nation’s continued bloodthirsty investment in the military-industrial complex; the amoral marriage of corporate profits to citizens’ healthcare; and the nation’s savage legacy of importing humans and legally classifying them and their offspring as non-persons.

These ingredients are America’s handcrafted recipe, her lasting legacy on the world stage, and her most lethal weapon; her bitches brew if you will. This concoction is so potent that Adolf Hitler was inspired by America’s centuries-long systemic performance that he commissioned the formula to be the foundation for his own deadly race laws.

During the last week in May, my phone began to vibrate as text messages from family, friends, and acquaintances from all over the world.

Big Nev! Just checking in on you. I wanted to make sure you’re good.

Hi my love, I wanted you to know that Mom is praying for you always.

Mate, how are you going? Crazy what’s happening in the States.

My initial feelings of being cared for were quickly switched to dread as I scrolled past a notification that Minneapolis law enforcement had killed an unarmed black man while in police custody. Given the flood of text messages, I instantaneously knew the visuals of the murder were likely to be devastating.

Just weeks before in early May, a cell phone recording was released of armed white men hunting and shooting a Black runner, Ahmuad Arbery, in the southern State of Georgia. In the chilling video, you can see Ahmad fleeing his attackers only to be cornered and shot dead in the street. His lifeless Black body lying facedown on the pavement in the southern breeze was an all too familiar image of the antebellum south.

Weeks later in late May, as more concerned text messages poured in, it only fortified my resolve to avoid the video of George Floyd’s execution until I was mentally prepared for the visuals. I continued reading the text messages.

How are you holding up Neville?

I can’t believe that this is happening. I am so sorry bro.

Hey Nev, be safe out there big fella! We’re worried about you.

As more and more concerned text messages from mostly white friends and acquaintances arrived, the more bewildered and enraged I became. The cushion beneath me was morphing a launchpad and I was beginning to rumble in anger. I wanted to lift off and explode in response to the text messages.


Delete, delete, delete, you can’t respond with that I thought. These folks are concerned about you.

But it was too late, I had already been poisoned by the news of the day.



I needed to calm down and quiet the war going on inside. I put my phone down and went back to working on a large technology partnership with Jay-Z’s entertainment company, Roc Nation.

Eight months prior, I had delivered one of the most riveting and personal business pitches to the leadership team at Roc Nation. Jay-Z had once compared the technology industry and its lack of diversity, inclusion, and retention to Major League Baseball prior to integration on his song Legacy.

“We gon’ start a society within a society

That’s major, just like the Negro League

There was a time America wouldn’t let us ball

Those times are now back, just now called Afro-tech”

With rhymes like that, it wasn’t lost on me that I was a Black man selling technology to the company he founded. It was a proud moment in my career to stand at the plate in the sleek Roc Nation conference room and deliver a homerun presentation to win their technology business. Just like Jackie Robinson stealing home plate decades prior, I was able to exemplify that diversity, inclusion, and retention can benefit corporate profits when our talents are unshackled and enabled to flourish.

When I brought the deal to my company I was again confronted with the taste of America’s racist bitches brew. I scheduled a conference call to discuss the details of the pricing negotiation. Two of my white bosses were on the conference call and when I joined the call I overheard their conversation.

“This is why I don’t do business deals with any Roc Nation type of companies,” one White boss scoffed to the other.

“Oh no, the guy we are working with is a White guy,” the other white boss replied to his off-color comment. “He’s not Black.”

It’s tough to describe the complexity of my feelings on that conference call but you know that bathroom scene from the movie Trading Places?

There’s an important scene near the end of the movie.

During the scene, Billy Ray Valentine, the main character, is hiding in a nearby stall and overhears the details of brothers Randolph and Mortimer Duke’s nefarious experiment as they settle their infamous $1 wager in the bathroom.

I guess you could say that I felt like Billy Ray overhearing the Duke brothers’ conversation except these two knew I was present on the call. But it was too late, they had already exposed their diseased mindset about Black people.

I remained silent on the call as that all too familiar taste of casual cultural racism filled my throat like vomit. I wrestled internally as to whether I should have made a witty remark or let the exchange slide entirely.

I didn’t address the offensive exchange and focused on the task at hand. This was not the time for activism, so I brushed off the comments and forged ahead with the internal conversation.

Months later when the deal closed in June, one of those white bosses had the audacity to attempt to tie my success with Roc Nation to the timing of George Floyd’s murder.

“Seems like George Floyd’s death really helped us close this deal,” he said in a pleasurable tone.

“Don’t tie that man’s tragic execution to my success in this deal,” I bristled. “The two events are not correlated.”

I was confronted with the casual nature of cultural racism at every turn. The reality of Jay-Z’s sharp lyrics from The Story of O.J. came to mind and my mood was dampened.

“Light nigga, dark nigga, faux nigga, real nigga

Rich nigga, poor nigga, house nigga, field nigga

Still nigga, still nigga”

The Grayscale skin disease was spreading and taking its toll on my mental health.


It took me weeks but I finally mustered up the courage to watch the full 8:46 minutes of George Floyd’s execution.

Late one night around the midnight hour in early June, I turned off all of the lights and closed the shades to be in total darkness. I slipped into my bed and curled up under the covers for what I was about to see and experience. I took a deep inhale and pressed play on the YouTube video.

There had been so much talk of the recording that I was not surprised by the images on my screen. It was just as devastating as I had feared.

I had been conditioned to expect white Americans to treat Black bodies with excessive force. However, what struck me the most about this video was the defiant entitlement, comfort, and smugness on the face of the white officer as he pressed his knees deeper into the skin on George Floyd’s neck. You could see from the expression on the officer’s face that he was relishing every moment of the execution.


American racism was crafted so that the enslavement was intellectual, moral, and legal. American racism is the real Grayscale skin disease from fictitious television series – except its white folks that are the asymptomatic carriers and they have infected us all with this highly contagious disease that has been slowly destroying the nation.

This strain of racism may be as infectious as “Grayscale” but its impact is excruciatingly more real. Black folks in this nation have been suffering from our daily engagement with this disease-riddled system for centuries.

American racism and white supremacy rob white people of the experience of being fully human. This particularly evil brand of racism is a disease that white people need to be cured of. Throughout history, the experience of attaining an elevated or supreme position within one’s community is earned through the content of one’s character and not by the birthright of their skin color.

I could go on and on about this topic but I refuse. I’m so tired of this shit. I fucking hate writing about racism.

The reality is plain and simple for the world to now see: America is not a healthy environment for the overall wellbeing of Black Americans across all socioeconomic backgrounds.

Sadly, unlike the television series, there is no healing ointment or witches brew to cure us of this disease either. Not Samwell Tarley, not Joe Biden, or even Jesus Christ can apply a balm to our skin to heal us from this affliction. We are irrevocably disfigured as People because racism is codified into the nation’s governing documents, cultural norms, and workplaces.

Sipping on America’s piping hot brew is slowly killing me and I have to protect my future generations from grappling with these feelings of worthlessness and despair.

America’s demons will never release this nation from its clutches and I refuse to fight against the federal and cultural racism that will likely result in my dead body being tossed onto the already mountain-high pile of young, gifted, and Black bodies that have spoken out against injustice before me.

I had to finally give up on America and flee her borders for my physical safety, my mental sanity, and my future legacy.

It was time to put down the sword and apply a healing balm to my hardened gray skin before it was too late.


Fascism 101

President Trump recently tweeted this in regard to the four freshmen Congresswomen who oppose his policies: 

“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.”

And added this today:

“If you’re not happy, you can leave.”

These statements are fascistic in nature and seek to do two things: 

1. Create division in this country so that Trump can align himself with the more powerful side. 

If everyone got along, we would have no need to hire a strong man to enact our wishes on those who disagree with us. Trump wants sides and he will claim the more violent, outspoken, loyal, consistently voting, and ruthless one.

“You’re with the police or against us.”

“But there is clear video evidence of racist motivations driving police officers to murder minorities recently and while obviously, the majority of cops are not racist, we should probably examine this and try to improve…”

“NOPE! You’re against us!”

“You support the troops or you are against us.”

“But I want to raise awareness about an issue so I consulted with U.S. Veterans about how to properly honor the flag and our country while still protesting the deficiencies we might still need to address…”

“NOPE! You’re against us!”

“You’re a capitalist or a communist.”

“But we already have a dozen socialist programs in this country like (ironically) the police, the military, fire, infrastructure, public schools, parks, etc., and while the free market is an incredible mechanism that should drive MOST industries, maybe we should consider taking healthcare out of the private sector because Insurance Companies prioritize wealth over health.”

“NOPE! You’re a communist.”

“You’re a Christian or the Devil.”

“But I’m Jewish/Muslim/Atheist/Hindu/Buddhist/etc.”

“NOPE! You’re the Devil.”

“You’re either American, or you don’t support me.”

“But I don’t support you.”

“NOPE! Then you’re not American, go back to where you came from!”

When you tell someone, “go back to where you came from,” what does that even mean!? My ancestors came to the United States mostly from England and Belgium and I don’t know how I would even begin to “go back” to those countries. This is an impossible statement and obviously racist since Trump has never said it to any White American.

2.  Destroy Any Criticism or Descent. 

The other horrific quote about leaving if you are not happy is the idea that you essentially cannot criticize the United States or the President. “If you don’t like it, you can leave (or die). We’re never changing, no matter how corrupt, cancerous, or callous we have become.”

This is indicative of narcissists who tend to do major damage to those around them and get furious when their behavior is criticized. I’ve come up with my own personal definition that I think states the condition clearly:

“A narcissist is someone who punches you in the face repeatedly and when you ask them to stop, they say, ‘don’t tell me what to do!’”

Trump is obviously a narcissist, but most of his supporters are narcissists as well. They have no regard for others, only their collective identity which they believe is the “real” America. The President thinks he and his minority bloc of supporters own the country.

What Trump does not realize is that when he says, “If you don’t like it here, you can leave,” what he is really saying is, “If you don’t like it here, vote for my opponent in the 2020 election.”

Because that’s how a Democracy like America works best: We fight each other on the ballot, not the battlefield.

This article was originally published on 15 July 2019.

Similar Read: Diplomacy and War: Know the Difference 

Is a Bubble the Answer?

For 5 weeks I’ve been living life in the WNBA bubble, also known as the wubble, in Bradenton, Florida at the prestigious IMG Academy. Players and team staff are quarantined, tested daily, and holding social distancing practices as much as possible. We practiced, ate, and gave medical care while getting used to our new normal without being allowed to leave the premises. Well, as much as possible around teens who were on campus for various sports camps and Academy staff who were going home to their families everyday. I guess you could say that we were separated from them as much as we possibly could, although I did find out that Academy staff were being tested every 2-3 days as well. 

I’d be foolish if I said that everything was well-planned and that the logistics were perfect from day one, but through some trial and error, and constant communication, we seem to have hit a bit of a sweet spot. For instance, every person on each team’s travel party had to take 3 coronavirus tests prior to flying out to prove that he/she had not been exposed to the virus. The testing did expose several players prior to leaving and even caused one team to delay departure due to multiple positive results. However, once given the “all clear” we were placed on a commercial flight which, from our city, happened to be a full flight that allowed for no social distancing at all. Thankfully, as a healthcare provider, I was well prepared with an N95 mask, face shield, gloves and enough wipes to sanitize the entire plane. Upon arrival, we then mixed in with the rest of the people in the airport- although by no means full- Florida had just been rated a growing coronavirus hot spot, so even a handful of people warranted suspicion. 

Once we arrived as a team at the IMG premises, we picked up our room or house keys and set out to find our dwellings for the next 4 days where we would be quarantined again. Meals were delivered 3 times a day, and grocery delivery services became fast favorites of everyone. The only time of day that we were allowed to leave was for the daily testing procedure that was scheduled by team so that we did not potentially cross-contaminate one another. After the initial quarantine period practices began for 2 weeks until the season finally kicked off on July 25.

While there have been a small number of true positive tests, most teams have stayed to themselves still, with the occasional moments of mingling at meals or the pool. When a positive result is returned, all team leads are notified, with care to protect the identity of the person to decrease the stigma. The athlete or staff member is immediately isolated in a designated off-campus hotel and tested again for the next 2 days to determine whether or not the result is true or false. In some cases, if there is a roommate or family member present, appropriate care is taken to retest and isolate them if necessary as well. 

The elephant in the room was the noticeable differences between what was shown and exposed about the NBA bubble compared to the wubble. For instance, our testing seemed to be administered using a different procedure almost daily, by different people- some getting good samples and some barely seeming to scratch the surface. The problem is that an insufficient sample is listed as “positive,” causing the individual to be isolated at a remote site and having to wait at least 2 days to obtain consecutive negative results. This has lead to missed games and practices. Instead, the NBA has access to rapid tests to be used in similar cases which can turnaround results within hours and avoid an unnecessary isolation and missed games. Let’s not even talk about how it’s taken the entire 5 weeks to get someone (2 people to be exact) into the wubble to staff the hair salon for a limited 2 week period to do hair for a couple hundred women and the male staff, while the NBA has had multiple barbers on site from the beginning, and they rotate them out every 2 weeks. The WNBA doesn’t know if/when the hairstylists will return after this initial 2 week period. NBA players can also have family members visit and go in and out on designated days, while WNBA players cannot unless they came in on the first day as a caregiver for an accompanying child. 

The disparities in services and accommodations are present and the topic of some conversations, but overall everyone recognizes the real reason we are here- to cut the risk of exposure to, and spread of the coronavirus. It is my opinion and has been for a few months now, that it will be difficult to play any sport without the use of a “bubble” experience. This takes a lot of time and effort to plan and raises multiple medical and logistical challenges. I applaud the medical professionals and team and league representatives who have labored tirelessly to make a season possible, and I believe that the NBA and WNBA have been successful because of it. Is it realistic to put all football (college or professional) or major league baseball teams into the same bubble where they only interact with one another, are tested daily, and don’t have to travel for games? Probably not. For this reason, I side with the college conferences that have decided to forgo all Fall sports. 

I also applaud the NCAA for beginning to look at possible bubble situations for men’s basketball already, and hope that they can identify locations that can adequately support the unique needs of athletic medicine, performance and education of college athletes. I’d be lying if I said that I was 100% confident that the NFL season would start without a hitch. We have seen the challenges that MLB has faced when each team has been allowed to “create” it’s own bubble at the facility. However, trusting athletes to go straight home, not have outside company or even family visit, and the many other scenarios make it very difficult to predict outcomes from day to day. The truth is that America still has way too many people who don’t take the virus and it’s spread seriously, thus the decisions made away from the facility are often based solely on self.

I’m not sure what it will take for us to change our behavior collectively so that we can eradicate this virus, but hopefully, sports can help us unify in ways nothing else has been able to do. 

Similar Read: Do You Remember 2020?

School in September?

[New Contributor]

What will school look like in September? It’s a question that’s at the top of most people’s minds, especially educators. This is typically the time of year most educators spend reflecting on their practice, spending time with family and in some cases attending professional development to engage in learning communities to share best practices. However, this year things are different. We’re in the midst of a global pandemic with questions that can’t be answered, with the most pressing question being, “Do we return to school for face to face instruction, or do we go completely virtual?” While the answer seems pretty clear, many districts are planning to return to school for face to face instruction in September, and with the threat of losing out on federal funding for not returning, it seems as if this is their only option.  

Face to face instruction for large student populations poses a health risk for anyone working in the building, especially educators and students, and quite frankly, with cases on the rise this option just doesn’t make sense. Teachers will now be responsible for things such as cleaning the desks, supplies, and anything else that may have been used before students enter their room all while managing and ensuring student use of PPE and teaching with students sitting 6 feet apart. Let’s remember, this is merely one layer and does not begin to address the nuanced interactions educators and students have at school. 

Although virtual learning is the most viable option, it still comes with drawbacks. Not all families have access to the internet or devices to support the students in the household, not to mention working from home is not an option for many parents and neither is leaving their child at home unattended for the workday. Furthermore, we all know that learning is social, and without intentional planning and adequate teacher training, students will lose important critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Although there are obvious health risks in returning to school for face to face instruction, there are other long-lasting issues that if unchecked, will continue to decimate the already frail educational structure. In my humble opinion, it’s time for a complete overhaul and restructuring of what education should look and feel like. 

Despite being in the eye of the storm, we can still find peace. Returning to school for face to face instruction quite frankly is too dangerous and will inherently be the cause of more outbreaks. It’s time for a complete overhaul and it begins with the community. For example, communities could start homeschooling co-ops that mirror what more affluent districts are doing. There would be individualized instruction, smaller class sizes and classes could be held outdoors and in other non-traditional settings. Companies like Tailor Made Learning, based in Detroit, MI, do a great job of sitting with families and designing an educational experience that truly allows families to have a say in HOW their young person learns. Community Activists and educators such as Nikala Asante, based in Houston, TX, are creating and building opportunities for virtual African-Centered homeschooling. There are options. 

We live in a capitalist society and it’s time we understood what that truly means. All too often the people impacted the most by these decisions are not at the table, yet we have yet to realize we are the ones with the real power. Sending your child back to school in September for face to face instruction is not safe. The world of education is changing and it’s time we started designing experiences that teach our young people how to think critically and problem solve in ways that positively impact OUR communities. Yes, it takes hard work, but the outcomes are worthwhile and most importantly long-lasting.

Similar Read: Do You Remember 2020?

Until the Revolution of 1776 is Complete

U.S. Congressman and Civil Rights activist John Lewis passed away last weekend at the age of 80. He famously spoke at the Great March on Washington on August 28, 1963, the youngest of all the speakers that day, before a crowd of hundreds of thousands of people. Despite the agony of walking and standing under the scorching August Washington D.C. Sun, history would be made thanks to the speeches given by greats such as John Lewis, Roy Wilkins, and of course, the famous “I have a dream” speech by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

In the present tense, we claim to honor those greats by “continuing their legacy,” but that simply isn’t true. 

We are not doing enough. Period. We, meaning we as Americans as a collective, haven’t done enough to ensure the hard work of Congressman Lewis doesn’t have to be done all over again. 2020 has fully exposed our complacency for pushing for needed change in this country. From the handling of the Coronavirus pandemic to the murder of George Floyd, both expose America’s glaring need to no longer ignore systematic ills. Though the systematic ills of America are nothing new to Black people, the “ills” are sometimes not as clear as we may want to think. 

When Congressman Lewis was figurately and literally (he had his skull mashed into by a Police Officer) fighting systematic racism in the 1960s, the obstacles were more direct. Under the protection of “states rights,” states could enact systematic white supremacist measures like Jim Crow laws. The works of the 1960’s Civil Rights movement led to hallmark acts like the Civil Rights Voting Act, Voting Rights Act, and the Housing Rights Act, VISIBLY desegregated America. However, as we most certainly know, the true work resided in the post segregated America. Measures not so direct and noticeable. You do not “see” a doctor neglecting the prenatal needs of a Black woman in favor of a White woman. You do not “see” qualified Black candidates get passed over by their lesser qualified White peers in the same manner you “saw” a young John Lewis get physically assaulted by a Police Officer. 

2020 has shown the long neglect to address failures in the healthcare system, criminal justice system, and education simply cannot continue. The need to apply true pressure to elected officials to make drastic and impacting change is the legacy Congressman John Lewis wanted to create. He said it best…

“I appeal to all of you to get into this great revolution that is sweeping this nation. Get in and stay in the streets of every city, every village and hamlet of this nation until true freedom comes, until the revolution of 1776 is complete.”

We cannot allow the call for Black Lives Matter, Equality, and Justice to morph into nothing more than a bumper sticker or hashtag. The consequences are too much to allow that to happen. Let’s vote, let’s stay on the elected officials we elect to do their job of progressing the cause of all people and let’s keep doing it… until the revolution of 1776 is complete!

Similar Read: You Are NOT Your Ancestors!

Why Do They Hate Us?

The Coronavirus pandemic has completely shut down the world. Way too many lives have been lost globally, yet here in the United States we have a narcissistic president that refuses to own up to his own failures and take responsibility for allowing thousands of Americans to die despite warning after warning. Loved ones are not allowed to say their last goodbyes and people are dying alone in hospitals and being placed in body bags just to be stacked in makeshift coolers. This can’t be how life goes from here on out, or is it?

Recent reports show that Black and Brown people are contracting the virus at a much higher rate, which has ultimately led to higher death rates in their communities as well. Yet again, you have the president of the US (that seeks to be the next dictator) pushing for all states to open up without regards to what medical professionals have suggested, which is for states to not remove their “stay-at-home” orders.

Trump initially stated he wanted to open the country up for Easter but that was walked down by Dr. Anthony Fauci. Then weeks later the report came out about Black and Brown people. Immediately, thereafter the president re-engaged the topic of opening up the economy. My thoughts are, the second the report was released, he saw the opportunity to allow this pandemic to kill off as many Black and Brown people as possible. How ironic knowing that the majority of Black people will vote against him in the upcoming election which could help lead to his demise. He’s gone as far as fueling his base to protest Governors to open up their perspective states, totally disregarding stay-at-home restrictions and social distancing guidelines. His supporters even argue that they allegedly aren’t affected by the virus so the state should be up and running. How is this going to help heal the world and bring people together? It won’t!

To add insult to injury, social media and actual news coverage is reporting that Black people are being banned and denied access into multiple establishments in China. They are saying and believing that Black people are the cause for this virus. How obtuse is that? Especially when all signs have pointed to the Wuhan science lab as the sole bearer of this horrible pandemic. That is baffling to me. This leads to my question of why do they hate us so much… even in a time of crisis?

The Coronavirus Pandemic Should Be the Jumpstart to a Revolution?

The Coronavirus pandemic has become the #1 issue worldwide, causing widespread panic, anxiety, and isolation. I’ll admit, I originally thought the virus would be a fleeting issue; but as the death toll rises and countries lockdown, the seriousness of the situation can no longer be underestimated. I’m concerned for those who are most vulnerable to the virus, and the emotion that I find myself feeling the most is anger. The United States government has failed to properly respond to the Coronavirus outbreak, and this failure has shone a major light on the fact that the U.S. is horrifically flawed down to its’ very core, and has spent years devaluing, mistreating and oppressing anyone who doesn’t belong to the 1%. Most of us have already been aware of the many social inequities going on in this country, but this virus is now waking others up to how bad things truly are.

On March 7th, ABC News tweeted about a man with Coronavirus that worked several shifts at Hobart’s Grand Chancellor Hotel instead of self-quarantining. This is dangerous because his actions will more than likely cause harm to those who came in contact with him. However, his actions point to the larger issue of poverty in the U.S., as he is just one of many workers that have long been forced to put their health & the health of others in jeopardy because being fired or missing a paycheck could lead to their downfall. In addition to this, people are afraid to even get tested because of the expensive medical bills, another example of just how rampant poverty is in the supposed “best country in the world.”

Moving on to the closure of K-12 schools and universities, the Mayor of New York confirmed that NYC public schools are closed until April 20th; however, it was originally reported that the schools wouldn’t close since 114,000 homeless students depend on school meals to eat. Numerous colleges across the country have sent students home and will have classes online. But, this immediately raised concerns about the number of homeless students who depend on their college for housing and food, who were basically being thrown to the wolves. None of this is okay and it’s shameful that this country acts as if it is.

The fact that so many people are being forced to choose between their health or losing their job, and that tons of students are living in extreme poverty with no access to food or shelter outside of the schools they attend is not an individual issue, but a structural one. The United States is a rich country with enough money to guarantee things like healthcare, paid sick leave, and food/housing for its’ residents, but those who have the power to do this simply choose not to. Billions of dollars are poured into things like the military budget—so imagine what this country would be like if the money were put towards things that are actually needed, like healthcare or canceling student loan debt?

Furthermore, Coronavirus has shown that progressive policies that have been shut down for years are doable. The NYC Council Speaker, Corey Johnson, announced on March 15th that eviction proceedings would be suspended statewide until further notice (Miami Dade will be doing the same). In Bexar County, arrests for minor offenses have been suspended to prevent crowding in prisons. In Detroit, residents who’ve had their water shutoff will have their service turned back on. My question is, why did it take a pandemic for these things to be done? People have spent years calling for these actions to take place! Many of us are aware that evictions, mass incarceration, water shutoffs, etc. are backward, cruel and unnecessary, and should have ended a long time ago. But we were repeatedly told that this was impossible and that these things somehow needed to happen for society to function. Now that we’ve seen firsthand that that’s bullshit, and that our government has always had the power to make decisions that actually make life easier/better for us, we cannot allow things to go back to the way they were. Once the pandemic is over, those in power will attempt to go back to business as usual, but we can’t let them do that.

I urge everyone to let this moment radicalize them, and to demand that the rights being given to us during the pandemic remain. Greed and selfishness have been the heartbeat of this country for too long. People have stood up and fought back in the past, and this pandemic has been a breaking point for so many of us. It’s my hope that from this point on, people will stand up and fight back in a way that has never been seen before. In the words of Assata Shakur…

“It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains.” 

Similar Read: Spreading Consideration: How the Coronavirus Pandemic Can Teach Us to Care

Spreading Consideration: How the Coronavirus Pandemic Can Teach Us to Care

Whether it’s on my newsfeed or on TV, every hour brings new developments and criticisms about the handling of the COVID-19 crisis. Even my 6-year-old has an opinion on it. Besides reliable information and statistics, I see jokes, memes, and videos making fun of the apocalyptic situation in Italy, Iran or China. However, amidst the flow of information and hoaxes, a pattern emerges: we should take care of one another, and especially of the elderly. 

It’s clearly established that those at risk are older people or those who have serious health issues such as cardiac or lung problems or a weakened immune system. Some say it’s just good sense, but when you think about it, other pandemics and outbreaks didn’t quite resonate like this one. Whether it’s bird flu or swine flu, SARS or the measles, in unvaccinated communities, these epidemics didn’t get the same media coverage and level of anxiety worldwide. Why is that? 

Adults care for themselves, parents for their children and babies… but who cares for the old? How many isolated senior citizens pass away unnoticed for weeks or months? Each summer, authorities warn them to drink enough and reach out if needed during heatwaves. At Christmas, charities organize dinners for the lonely. In some cultures, such as in China, the elderly are highly respected and unlike in many western countries, they aren’t parked in nursing/retirement homes as soon as they show signs of dependence or senility. Conversely, they are honored and cared for at home by their own children who become at the same time parents and caregivers. 

This may explain why many people feel this crisis is different: it is lethal almost exclusively to the ones whom we didn’t think needed protection. As a rule, everybody acknowledges a new-born is vulnerable and must be shielded from threats such as viruses. But people also tend to think that the elderly can take care of themselves and are experienced enough to avoid risk-taking when it comes to their fallible health. Unfortunately, that is not the case and right now what someone may deem a simple cough or a little temperature can wipe out your lovely granny and your funny grandpa. Even if it may be consoling to think that it is in the order of things, they may still have good years ahead of them to enjoy their family and to make the most of this much-awaited time to themselves after working hard and raising a family. 

On a personal level, I still have one grandmother and she deserves long years of leisure and serenity after enough hardships. Some of my colleagues are close to retirement and my parents are in their 60s. To those who laugh this off pandemic by thinking it is natural selection, I hope they have considered who they put at risk, even more so within their own family circle. 

Count your blessings and respect safety measures, listen to health professionals and remember that optimistically, one day, you will be the elderly person hoping people still acknowledge and value your existence.

Watching Black Men Cry Changed My Life

Like millions of fans, Kobe’s death affected me more than I thought it would. I didn’t know him, I wasn’t even a Lakers fan, but I respected him greatly. His preparation, his tenacity to compete, and his attention to detail made me root for him even when he was playing against my team.

As a Black male, I found myself in a weird place trying to understand why I couldn’t stop thinking about Kobe and Gianna and the rest of his family who was left behind to cope with his tragic loss. We’re taught at a very young age, directly and indirectly, that showing emotions is a sign of weakness. Under no circumstances do you cry or let others see you cry. But when Kobe died, people witnessed some of the world’s most notable Black men cry and show emotions. It was tough to watch because you could tell many of them tried to hold back the tears, and literally could not. The no crying rule in public had been broken. Sad because a man and his daughter died as well as 7 others in a horrific accident, but beautiful because it humanized Black men in a world that often strips them of their humanity. 

Crying is one of the healthiest ways to cope and express emotions. According to WebMD, “Crying releases stress, and therefore is a great practice when it comes to staying mentally healthy.”

But society continues to reinforce that crying, especially in public, is a negative attribute in every way possible. Combined with America’s fascination with sports… we don’t give our athletes time or space to show emotions, to live outside of their respective sport(s); and if you’re an NBA or NFL fan, chances are the subjects of such reinforcement are young Black men. 

While the world witnessed notable Black men crying for weeks after the news broke and at the memorial service, they probably didn’t think much of it. But millions of Black men saw those same tears and raw emotions and realized it’s ok to do the same. And that’s a huge win for their long-term mental health, and ultimately their families and communities. I probably won’t immediately start crying the next time I’m hit with tragic news, but if it hits me hard… I now know it’s ok to do so. If WebMD and other studies are correct regarding crying helping our mental health, then by not doing so would do the exact opposite. Compound that by decades and decades of not crying, and you can imagine the negative impact and toll it can take on someone’s mental health and the communities they live in.

Most change isn’t easy, but most change is good, and inevitable.

We all wish Kobe and Gianna were still here. But if through Kobe’s tragic departure millions of Black men can realize that showing emotion is a strength and not a weakness, then Kobe might’ve made his biggest impact of all, and it had nothing to do with basketball. 

Thank you, Kobe. 

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