2018: Fast & Furious Politics?

Happy New Year! 2018 is here, and 2017 closes out the first year of Trump, a devastating hurricane season, more mumble rap, and of course another installment of the “Fast and Furious” franchise. Using the “Fast and Furious” franchise as a reference serves multiple purposes. Not because I’m a fan or non-fan, or because I even think the “Fast and Furious” franchise is good. It’s because it’s a good reference when comparing highly predictable actions and others that are completely unnecessary. No “Fast and Furious” movies needed to be made after the very first one back in the ancient year of 2001. Given all “Fast and Furious” movies have the same reoccurring scene with a car flying and Vin Diesel jumping out of it, and not even getting a paper cut in the process, the “Fast and Furious” movies aren’t the most surprising and cerebral movies to watch.

Now back to Happy New Year celebratory feel goods.

2018, will be much like 2017. Don’t be fooled. You just saw “Fast and Furious” 6, don’t think “Fast and Furious” 7 is going to turn into “Saving Private Ryan.” It’ll be another year of a company introducing a new phone and trying to convince us that the phone we already have is worthless, another year of a blockbuster flop and a blockbuster surprise, more mumble rap, a good sports story, a bad sports story, and then there’s Trump. Trump will have a profound effect on the political world, and I when I write world, I mean actual world affairs.

Trump’s first year largely swirled around domestic issues, he couldn’t help himself from not doing anything international. Trump in careless remarks or actions did the following: opted the United States out of the international Paris climate change treaty, one that even North Korea is on board with; during a photo opt shoved world leaders out the way to get in the front row of the picture, and engaged in a Drake/Meek Mill twitter battle with Kim Jong-Un. 2018 Twitter fingers may turn into trigger fingers (to quote Drake), and only Trump will be to blame.

Just like in the “Fast and Furious” movies Vin Diesel and company will not only save the day and get the girl, but will do it in even more of an exaggerated fashion than the previous installment, Trump’s hostile words and eventual actions towards rouge state leaders is getting worse and will continue to get worse by the Tweet.

North Korea is really a sideshow beef for Trump. His true objective is the last truly anti-American state with actual power and influence, Iran. UN Ambassador Nikki Haley and Trump in the final weeks of 2017 quietly gave the “whole world is watching” spills regarding recent protests of the government in Iran. Also, remember Trump campaigned against the Iranian nuclear agreement made under the Obama administration as being a terrible deal. Trump probably doesn’t know where Iran is on a map, but he does know that not much American business is being conducted there and that’s a problem for him. The extreme right, which Trump is clearly a part of, will lead you to believe Iran is a threat to the American way of life and the world is in danger. Akin to fear-mongering and the drumming of danger portrayed by George Bush in 2002, Iran is as much of a danger to the United States as “Fast and Furious” 7 will be nominated for the academy award picture of the year.

Iran really is an energy superpower with geographical and cultural importance that stands in the way of a complete American influenced middle east. Since 1979, and the fall the American-British propped Shah monarchy, Iran has been circled for revenge. Iran has never been surrounded geographically by American favoring states like it is now. Also, Iran had a strong relationship with Russia, one in which could easily go away with an American led and Russian backed military option against them. This is where 2018 could go from terrible Tweets and tax deals to actual boots and blood on the ground. Any unprovoked military and/or sanctions against Iran from the actual United States is completely unnecessary and can be avoided, just as I avoided “Fast and Furious” 7 for the longest until I saw it on HBO. [It was free, so don’t blame me.

Luckily, the 2018 midterm elections might stop the momentum. The Dr. Dre beats drumming for war can easily go to Great Value headphones if war hawk support for actions against Iran is defeated in November. In the meanwhile, in 2018 enjoy a terrible Super Bowl halftime performance, a viral meme, a catchy mumble rap song, and of course plans for another “Fast and Furious” movie. Things won’t change in Washington, especially with Trump in office.

[2017 In Review] Reactionary Policy Kills Dreams (DACA)

Congress, which has an approval rating less than 20%, now controls the fate of nearly 800,000 immigrants. Time is running out. Considering this White House and everything that’s going on in the world, it’s easy to forget about this critical issue. A few months ago, one of our contributors wrote a compelling piece regarding illegal immigration and why this President is wrong.

Here’s the original article…

“Just as the DEA’s (Drug Enforcement Agency) work in the “war on drugs” is primarily reactionary, meaning most of their enforcement is done to those who do business after narcotics have entered the United States, illegal immigration enforcement efforts are primarily against the illegal immigrant and not against the structures supporting their illegal immigration.”

To further to my above statement (technically a run-on sentence), drug enforcement stops roughly just 1% of the illegal drugs that enter the United States. Since 1972, the United States via local, state, and federal law enforcement has spent over a trillion dollars ensuring little Johnny doesn’t smoke weed. What do we have to show for it? We have more than 2.6 million people in prison and over half of them are there for drug related “crimes.” That’s more than any other nation, a million more than China. Yes, that China, the one with 1.2 billion people. The one where basic freedoms aren’t allowed and anything and everything will land you in prison; yet, somehow their prison population is one million less. I digress.

Back to illegal immigration.

Remember the classic Denzel Washington movie “Training Day”? It’s classic because it came out 16 years ago – newborn babies who just arrived when it hit the theaters are now driving, yikes! Anyway, there’s a scene in which Denzel is sitting in a restaurant with three judges. One of the judges tells Denzel’s character, Alonzo, about a case in which a man avoided prison because he claimed insanity. His proof was spreading peanut butter between his buttocks, and when hearing about this, Alonzo says, “Well, he earned his freedom.”

So, what does “Training Day” and the war on drugs have to do with President Trump ending DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals)? First, let me explain exactly what DACA is. DACA is an Obama-era program that shields young undocumented immigrants from deportation. The purpose of DACA is to protect eligible immigrant youth from deportation who came to the United States when they were children.

Now, let’s start comparing. First, let me use the “Training Day” reference, and quite frankly, you can find a “Training Day” comparison for anything. When Alonzo said, “he earned his freedom” in reference to getting out of jail, I compare this to children who arrived in the United States via their parents. The children at 9 obviously couldn’t tell their parents, “Naw I ain’t going,” when forced to leave their country for the United States. For that, how can one realistically penalize them? Furthermore, for those children born in the United States, there’s a thing called the Citizen Clause in the 14th Amendment, in which it states, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” Even Trump should be able to decipher that one. Constitutionally speaking and common sense wise, the children have earned their right to be United States citizens. No need to join the military, recite the pledge of allegiance backwards, or take a test in which most Americans would fail, to solidify their citizenship.

That takes care of the children, now the parents.

By definition, an illegal immigrant is a foreigner who enters the U.S. without an entry or immigrant visa, especially a person who crosses the border by avoiding inspection or who overstays the period of time allowed as a visitor, tourist, or businessperson. And though many of us as Americans like to think we’re the greatest and most happening; we do have a lot going on for sure, but people aren’t risking it all to come here to just go to Chick-fil-a or watch a ballgame. No. People come here for a very specific reason. Primarily to land work and a chance to better their current situation. It’s as simple as that. They don’t come here to rape and pillage the American landscape.

Just like the DEA’s work in the war on drugs is mostly against dealers and those involved in the drug trade within US borders, enforcement of illegal immigration is mostly against individuals and not the structure or system which enables their efforts prior to illegally entering our country. Efforts against the businesses and entities supporting the lifestyle of one who is illegal aren’t enforced with the same punishment and veracity. Meanwhile, back at your typical Trump rally, the call to round up the owner of Jed’s construction, who employs and pays illegal immigrants, isn’t as loud as it is to remove the workers he employs who made efforts to come to the United States.

In other words, just like the DEA fails to stop the drugs from entering the United States, immigration enforcement fails to truly address the support structures that keep illegal immigration alive and well.

Lastly, I’m one who supports reasonable legal immigration efforts. I understand the need to address illegal immigration; but, unlike President Trump I also understand there needs to be more serious efforts and disdain directed towards the elements behind illegal immigration and not the person simply trying to make a buck… even if it’s only to buy a chicken sandwich.

This article was originally published on 8 September 2017.

More on DACA?

Trump Ends DACA, America’s Top Universities Respond

[2017 In Review] Kaepernick Vs. The NFL… The LCR Responds…

Kaepernick certainly made his mark in 2017, and whether you agree with his position or not, he sparked a national conversation that everyone was forced to address. While the protests might be dying down, NFL viewership took a huge hit and even the President surprisingly jumped into the conversation.

Many people thought Kaepernick and other players were disrespecting the military despite Kaepernick saying his peaceful protest had nothing to do with the military. Many people chose to focus on the actual protests instead of WHY they chose to protest in the first place, which was police brutality and social injustice. How convenient and comfortable to focus on the former and not the latter?  

Different perspectives matter. We asked 5 of our contributors with different political views to weigh in on the Colin Kaepernick situation during the height of the protests earlier this year, and this is what they had to say…

“As someone who has worked in sports, I have tried to understand Colin Kaepernick’s dilemma in light of some athletes with less than perfect pasts. Michael Vick is one of the first names that comes to mind. He was involved in dogfighting, which led him to serve 18 months in prison. Just months after his release, he was signed by the Philadelphia Eagles and went on to sign a $100M contract. Regardless of his wrongful actions, Vick continued his NFL career. | Ben Roethlisberger was accused of sexual assault on multiple occasions. His actions led him to being suspended for four games because he was found to be in violation of the NFL’s personal conduct policy. Regardless of his wrongful actions, Roethlisberger continues his NFL career. | Colin Kaepernick is not a convicted felon, he has not been accused of any crimes, nor did he commit any acts deeming him worthy of suspension. He peacefully protested by not standing for the national anthem, and he consistently works to achieve social justice for his community. Yet, he still remains unsigned while the Miami Dolphins recently pulled Jay Cutler out of retirement to fill an open roster spot. There are clearly other factors in play aside from athletic ability. Some NFL owners are claiming that they are concerned about the reactions of their fan bases if they were to sign Colin Kaepernick. Let’s assume that this is a legitimate concern. There have been NFL teams who signed convicted felons and athletes accused of committing serious crimes. If owners are more hesitant to sign a social activist than a convicted felon, what does that say about the fan base they are catering to?” – Muslim Female Democrat

“Professional athletes are in large part entertainers – and public desire to tune in is why they’re paid. Most often, if they don’t introduce their views into the game, that means their athletic ability and future prospects drive their earnings potential. Kaepernick’s difficulty isn’t that different than the issue a local businessman has when he runs for local office – not everybody likes it, and some customers walk. Publicly speaking about a controversial topic is generally not a good business idea if that’s his first concern, and if owners believe he hurts their franchise value and their own personal brand image, it will be reflected in his value as a player. I disagree with Kaepernick’s method of protest, because I thought it was disrespectful to veterans. I do respect deeply his right to make his statement as an American with the right of free speech.  But now he’s discovering what many veterans have known for a long time in defending the rights of citizens – that freedom isn’t free.” – Right Army Veteran

“Are NFL owners anti-controversy? Their support of players who have been arrested throughout the league (1 in 40 each year) suggests not. Is Kaepernick truly just not a good enough Quarterback to make a roster? His performance over the last 6 seasons and Super Bowl experience suggest this is not the case. Is the NFL racist? I don’t know for certain, but if so I believe racism is only one part of a larger issue here. “Us vs. Them” is the driving force behind the Kaepernick snub. He’s not doing what the NFL thinks everyone ought to do: fall in line and support the flag, the League, the Country. Consequently, it seems he is being blacklisted (ironic terminology intended). Many White athletes protested the National Anthem in the 60’s over conscription, Vietnam, civil rights, etc. There were cases of school expulsions, verbal abuse, and public ostracization. This demonstrates that when someone protests against the Status Quo – regardless of Race – there will be a backlash. It takes courage to make a stand against something you think is wrong and if you are not in the majority, there will be consequences. For tearing up a picture of the Pope on live television in protest of the Catholic Church’s well-documented history of child abuse scandals and cover-ups, Sinead O’Connor nearly lost her entire music career. If Colin Kaepernick’s intention is to create controversy to draw attention to an issue that he believes in, then this current NFL spurn might be more helpful than harmful to his cause.” – Unaffiliated Humanist Musician

“Let’s be honest. Kaepernick doesn’t have a job right now because owners see him as a liability and distraction.  The issues Kaepernick represents are the very ones they want to ignore – and it probably doesn’t help that New York plans on holding a major rally for him. But let’s be even more honest, if Kaepernick had won a Super Bowl or was a huge star, these issues would probably be overlooked, i.e. Ray Lewis. Kaepernick may not be the same athlete to be considered a starter, but physically he could still be a mentoring 3rd string QB.  If Mark Sanchez still has a job, then whay can’t Kaepernick? Sanchez stays quiet and doesn’t ignite the public – but that doesn’t mean Colin should be quiet on the issues that are most important to him. | What makes Kaepernick different from Ray Lewis, Michael Vick, and the majority of the Cincinnati Bengals? Kaepernick represents a social injustice issue that he is standing up for while the others were individual incidents that one can be apologetic, reprimanded, and or proven/deemed innocent.”  Independent Marketing Pro

“A man of color who stands his ground on an issue that he feels passionate about risks his successful career to stand tall and stick up his middle finger to White America. We want our men to be strong and stand for something; yet, White America wants to dictate what that “something” is. Nothing in his contract dictates that he has to forego his moral beliefs in order to use his talent to make the the NFL millions and millions of dollars. So is White America trying to prove a point by not signing him? How dare them try to tell this grown man what to think and how to feel. Are they just angry because a public figure is taking a public stand against the racist core of America? The truth hurts.  Kaepernick should be applauded for his courage and lack of desire to sell out for a few pennies… Stand tall my Brother.” – Apolitical Elected Official

This article was originally published on 9 August 2017.

The Second Sexual Revolution

[It took me less than an hour to write this article, but it took me weeks to get the courage.]

In the last few months, dozens of powerful men in entertainment, news, politics, and business have been accused of sexual misconduct from women – and men – who, for their own reasons, stayed silent until now. The result has been earth-shattering; public condemnation, and the loss of their lucrative positions. For some, but not all.

We now live in a fractured sexual culture. On one hand, powerful men are toppled like so many dominos by companies who supported them and ignored their actions for years. On the other hand, some seem impervious to consequences of the accusations. Even when several accusers speak up. Even when proof is provided. The reason for this is that they have an army of staff and supporters who are willing to parrot the accused’s assertion that these women are lying, and have ulterior motives for doing so. Chief among them is our own POTUS, who doesn’t simply accuse the women of lying about the accusations; he is saying they are liars. In my mind, that’s a big difference. Just like with the press, he is attempting to devalue and villainize these women – another form of sexual misconduct.

Questioning the motives of the accusers and the timing of these accusations are completely missing the point. Having been a target of sexual harassment, unwanted advances, and even assault, I can tell you my own motives for keeping silent:

I knew that no one would listen.

I knew that I could lose my job.

I knew that could be blamed for the assault myself.

I knew that no one would believe me.

My own mother didn’t believe me when I told her I had been raped. If my own mother wouldn’t believe me, who would?

We still live in that culture, even as a mere handful of high-profile men are removed from their positions of power. This is a drop in the bucket. Sexual harassment, unwanted advances, and rape happens every day. Every 98 seconds, someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted. That means that each year, more than 321,000 people age 12 and older are victims of assault. More than 880 people. Every. Single. Day. A high percentage of these assaults are by someone the victim knows – an employer, a co-worker, a lover or spouse, a respected celebrity or cultural icon with a squeaky-clean reputation.  And these statistics are only a small part of the real story. Multitudes more victims do not speak out for fear of victim-shaming or reprisal.

I think what we really need to question are the motives of the companies, political parties, military groups and studios that turned a blind eye, willfully ignored, or outright accepted as part of the culture, who let those powerful men get away with this behavior for years – even decades.

I believe that we’re at a turning point in this country. A second sexual revolution. As more men and women shine a light on their own experiences, others will be emboldened to do so as well. This is not as much about pointing fingers as it is validation. And as more victims step forward, the power will be taken away from those who abuse it.

The future doesn’t have to look like the past. 

Model Citizen or Not, You Can Win in Alabama

Tonight’s results of the special Senate election in Alabama will set an exciting stage moving forward. Not only will this have regional implications in the home state of Alabama, but it will also have enormous national consequences for President Trump and both political parties. After a weird and childish campaign run by Roy Moore, voters have been left confused and exhausted by all the allegations, predictions, and media coverage of the election. 

Even though he has been hit with allegations of sexual misconduct with underage women, if he is victorious, it will illustrate the growing limitations of Democrats in the significantly conservative South. On the other hand, a win by his rival Doug Jones would shrink Republicans’ Senate advantage to a single seat, finally putting their majority in action. 

President Trump, who not so surprisingly gave Roy Moore his full-throated endorsement, yet again tweeted his support on Tuesday morning: “Roy Moore will always vote with us.”

For Doug Jones to steal a win in this election he will need high turnout from black, urban and suburban white voters. Oddly enough, Roy Moore, who rode his horse to the polls, (literally), will need support from rural white voters.

How this election plays out will have many ripple effects. If men in power can have accusations thrown at them from all different angles and still find a way to sway people into believing they can make a positive difference in our country, we are truly in trouble.  

When you decide to run for office, regardless of the rank and title, your first job is to be a model citizen. You are there to LEAD your constituents to a better and brighter future, based on your SOUND judgment. It is sickening that after everything that has come to light regarding Roy Moore, people still find him fit for office. 

Catalonia: Leaders Behind Bars [Update | Part VII]

As of Monday Morning [12/4/17], four Catalan politicians and activists remained in Spanish custody after a judge denied bail for the Catalan leaders. If this situation wasn’t already difficult enough for their leaders, the vice president of Catalonia, who is running for special elections on Dec. 21, has also been detained and will be campaigning from behind bars.

Six other separatists leaders have been released on bail, with the hefty sum of 100,00 euros ($118,00) each. Even with the release, the judge ordered the confiscation of their passports to prevent them from leaving the country.

The ousted president, Carles Puigdemont, is still stuck in exile in Belgium, along with four of his close allies. On Dec. 14 a judge will rule the possibility of extradition to Spain for all 5 of the leaders.

Imprisoning their leaders and attempting to push them into desperate situations began after Catalonia declared independence from Spain. Madrid responded with a crackdown on its leaders and the absolvement of the region’s limited freedoms as it is.

The outcome of this conflict between Catalonia and Spain is yet to be determined. As of now, Spain is still trying to control the scenario hoping to make this all disappear; but, with the growing discontent over the imprisonment of its leaders and journalists, Catalans once again have their emotions churning over why they need to separate from Spain.

Follow Catalonia’s fight for independence from the beginning (links below)…

Catalonia: The Rebel State

Catalonia: The Rebel State [Update | Part II]

Catalonia: Do Not Ignore Us [Update | Part III]

Catalonia: When Catalonia Wants Space And Spain Doesn’t Seem To “Get” It [Update | Part IV]

Catalonia: Birth of a Nation [Update | Part V]

Trump is Clearly a Fan of UCLA Basketball

Before I begin this article, I think it’s important to state that I do not have children. I have no nieces or nephews. I’m rarely in the presence of young people. That includes everyone from those racking up Disney points, to those who voted in the 2008 election. My experience with young people is limited to being a long-term substitute teacher for several months, to law enforcement, to well… that’s about it. And it’s been years since I was either one; however, spoiler alert, the acts and ways of young people don’t change. They will always do naive things without thinking.

The most recent news about the Ball basketball family isn’t Lonzo Ball’s league-worst shooting percentage, the family’s terrible reality show, or the Big Baller Brand’s latest attempt to sell overpriced sporting apparel. It may sound like I don’t like the Ball family, which is led by the Don King and patriarch of the family, Lavar Ball; but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I support Lavar Ball and his outlandish acts, even his more than over the top sound bites. History has shown that when there’s a “Puff Daddy” to the father of Venus and Serena Williams to Flava Flav, a hype man/father/loud supporter of a particular talent, said talent generally does very well. Plus, the family last name is Ball – how cool is that? It’s like a military family with the last name “Sergeant.” And yes, I’ve met a Sergeant Sergeant before. Anyway, I digress.

LiAngelo Ball, Cody Riley, and Jalen Hill, all three freshmen of the UCLA Basketball team, decided to make the good (insert sarcasm) decision to steal sunglasses from an upscale and well-monitored store in China. Not Chinatown, New York City, but actual China. Not smart, I get it; however, teenagers and young people, until a real-life experience hits them, make a lot of dumb decisions.

To be clear, this isn’t about a lack of intelligence or common sense, but about the notion that young people are very naïve and arrogant at times. Mix in budding basketball stars of a premier basketball school, no life experience or knowledge regarding the nation they were in, and presto! An arrest for shoplifting, in China.

Speaking of the arrest… before anyone goes on a pious rant that it’s because “Lavar Ball is overbearing” and “poor little LiAngelo is acting out,” or the classic, these young black men with the world given to them “doing something stupid just wanna mess it up,” I’m very sure no player has ever wanted to just give back their fame and potential riches. LiAngelo and the others are doing what every other young person, I would say younger than 25, has and/or will do. That is an act depending on the opportunity, situation, person, etc., something very stupid that will either begin the process of true maturity, or will begin a negative trend of behavior sure to render a consequence that jeopardizes everything. It’s not like young people don’t possess the moral power to do right instead of wrong. But they do lack the need to understand that even the littlest wrongs can have a major impact that comes with major consequences, consequences they don’t foresee.

I will bet any amount of money these young basketball players never took into account that they were in a communist country. China’s legal system and procedures are nothing like the United States’. Another factor – they probably didn’t think they would get caught, or were important enough that if they did get caught they wouldn’t get in trouble. Yes, that has much to do with young athletes being treated like royalty early and far too often; however, that’s not that big of a deal. For the most part, most college and young professional athletes, both men and women, behave accordingly, given the circumstances they could easily act a fool.

Fortunately for the players, ole 45 made a few calls and apparently even Lavar Ball knew a few people, and the players escaped a “Midnight Express” situation. 

Once the players settle back in the U.S. their consequences will probably exceed their crime. The moral joke, which is the NCAA, will likely overreach and make “an example” of them.

In the final analysis, all we can do as responsible adults is stress the importance to young people to think beyond the current, and understand their negative acts last three times longer than their positive ones. We must stress that life is mostly about decision making, and the better one’s life, has much to do with his or her choices. I think young people, including star athletes, generally understand that. This incident was a technical foul they couldn’t argue with the refs about. But it didn’t matter, because as crazy as it sounds, Trump was there to help them win the game.

Louis C.K…. Forgive or Forget?

[Balance is the goal of this article, not division, or an attempt to go easy on a millionaire who has been accused of and admitted to sexual misconduct. People want to put everyone in one of two bins, and it’s not always that simple.] 
The current Women’s movement promoting equal rights, equal pay, and an abolition of sexual abuse/harassment is unquestionably good and long overdue. Women are uniting to win elections, overturn sexist laws, and now publicly destroy powerful Men who are guilty of the most vile and sexist offenses.
This battle will not be won by simply bringing down the bad guys. This battle can only be won when our collective society changes its behavior, its words, and its tone. 
I remember when “fag” was a regular part of the American Language – used as an insult. Obviously, the insult was that being “gay” or “homosexual” is a terrible thing to be, so “fag” was equivalent to calling someone terrible.
The movement to end the stigmatization of the LGBTQ community required that “fag” be dropped from colloquial usage. I remember this transition. Really good, non-homophobic people had to retrain themselves NOT to say “fag” as it had become so pervasive a word that even LGBTQ people used it derogatorily at times.
Monkey see, monkey do. We are a very imitative species. So, when Men are trained to aggressively pursue Women by their fathers, by the media, by their own primal urges, and often by Women themselves (50 Shades of Gray), it means that Men will not easily be retrained into the modern Gentleman that currently Progressives demand.
Is this any excuse for rape? Sexual abuse? Using power to coerce Women (and Men as did Kevin Spacey) into compromising situations?
NO. Inarguably, NO!
But as we clarify the lines of sexual engagement in the 21st Century, let us all be very clear about the nuances of these situations and what is at stake. When we take down criminals or bad actors to shift the status quo towards a more enlightened society, let us be sure the collateral damage is minimal. Let us use a very specific brush to address villainy and not such a wide brush that every Man (and some Women) are swept into the mix, subject to irreversible, debilitating public shame and scrutiny, regardless of the severity of their misconduct.
Because: not every sexual misconduct is exactly as terrible as the next. For instance, a Man who aggressively pursues a phone number at a bar is not as terrible as a Man who stalks, beats, and rapes a Woman. Furthermore, a Man who gropes a Woman’s genitals without consent is worse than a Man who asks a Woman if he can masturbate in front of her and then does not proceed to do so when he is denied permission. 
So, let’s address Louis C.K. and the damning New York Times article that just came out alleging he sexually abused 5 Women over a decade ago (which he has since admitted to). Louis C.K.’s entire career now seems doomed because of his actions, but only if his actions are unforgivable and his behavior unchanged.
From his response letter, it’s clear that he knows what he did was wrong. He also clearly stated why he was wrong, why he mistakenly thought he was justified at the time of the misconducts ten years ago (all the Women either gave consent or rejected his offer to masturbate in front of them at which time he ended his pursuit), and why it was wrong that his manager tried to suppress the accusations just to keep their business aspirations undamaged.
Although this admission of guilt and the ensuing apology does not absolve him, Louis C.K. has handled this situation the way we hope every person accused of wrongdoing would handle it: by admitting the guilt, apologizing, and trying to make amends.
Should he be let off the hook entirely? Clearly, no. Should he be banished from the art world and public society forever because he pursued sexual fetishes with Women he misread? That will be up to the personal sense of justice from every individual who reads about Louis C.K.’s behavior and his recent response letter.
Some might want Louie to go down in flames for these misconducts.
Some might see his actions as mistakes that deserve condemnation, but not crucifixion.
Some might not see anything wrong with what he did at all (Trump is still our President after all and has admitted to doing much worse – physically and sexually assaulting Women without consent – and he’s still the President).
I realize this is a sensitive issue for many and that taking any kind of position which might cast favorable light on a Man that has admitted to sexual abuse (even if not as severe as Weinstein or Spacey or Trump) could elicit a negative reaction, but I implore all Women and Men to try and see everything as clearly and unbiased as possible.
Louis C.K. has been recognized as a powerful ally to Women over the past ten years since his misconducts, but these revelations to the public in this current amplified climate all but assure that he will be ineffective as such moving forward.
Can we accept Louis C.K.’s apology and let him continue to have a voice in artistic and moral discussions moving forward? Once again, it’s up to you and your own personal sense of justice. 

Ex-Catalan Leader Faces Off With Spain [Update | Part VI]

Catalonia’s former leader Carles Puigdemont had an international arrest warrant issued for him by a spanish judge on Friday, which was overturned during the weekend and allowed Puigdemont to walk free on Monday, when a Brussels court deemed he could stay at liberty in Belgium until it had heard in detail Spain’s allegations of rebellion against Puigdemont.
On Friday [11/3/17] a spanish judge issued an international arrest warrant for Catalonia’s former leader Carles Puigdemont. However, it was overturned over the weekend and Puigdemont was allowed to walk free on Monday when a Brussels court deemed he could stay at liberty in Belgium until it had heard in detail Spain’s allegations of rebellion against him.
The court’s decision means that Puigdemont, who left Spain last month after Madrid dissolved the Catalan Government, is free to aggressively campaign for independence for Catalonia by Dec 21. 
The vote as of now is shaping up as a de facto independence referendum. Over the weekend, Puigdemont and another member of the secessionist party stated they might run on a combined ticket, but would need to make a decision on how to create any formal alliance, which at this time would include other parties as well before the deadline on Tuesday, Nov 7th.
Though this is not to say that alliances cannot also take shape after the election. 
The push for independence has dragged Spain through its worst political crisis since its return to democracy nearly four decades ago and has severely divided the country, lighting up anti-Spanish sentiments in Catalonia and charging up nationalist tendencies elsewhere. 
The ex-catalan president, as well as four of his ex-ministers, turned themselves into the Belgian police on Sunday [11/5/17] after Spain issued a European arrest warrant on charges of rebellion and alleged charges of public funds misuse.
As of now, all five members are not able to leave Belgium without a judge’s consent.
The next step in this situation is for the appearance of the five defendants before the Chambre du Conseil within the next 15 days.
Back home, Spain’s central government has taken control of Catalonia, which makes up a fifth of the national economy. Polls are pouring in with support for Puigdemont and his allies, eight of them to be exact who stayed behind in Spain are being detained on trumped up charges that Puigdemont has been slandered with.
The outcome for Catalonia and Puigdemont seem to be tied to one another and uncertain right now. With two months left in 2017 there is still plenty of time to see whether or not Catalonia will start 2018 off as a new nation, or one still under the heels of a fearful oppressed government. 
Follow Catalonia’s fight for independence from the beginning (links below)…
Catalonia: The Rebel State
Catalonia: The Rebel State [Update | Part II]
Catalonia: Do Not Ignore Us [Update | Part III]
Catalonia: When Catalonia Wants Space And Spain Doesn’t Seem To “Get” It [Update | Part IV]
Catalonia: Birth of a Nation [Update | Part V]

Catalonia: Birth of A New Nation [Update | Part V]

The impossible just happened a few days ago. Catalonia declared independence from Spain less than an hour before a vote in the Spanish senate would give Madrid the power to seize the region’s limited autonomous powers.
The vote in the parliament came after a dramatic week of tense last-minute negotiations between Madrid and Barcelona. Out of 135 Catalan deputies, 70 voted for independence, with 10 opposing the move and two blank ballot slips. This outcome had opposition lawmakers walk out of the chamber ahead of last Friday’s vote in protest.
Not surprisingly, the feelings about independence have been conflicting for the Catalans. The small region has many of its citizens who see the split of Catalonia as a new beginning for a bright future. Whereas a growing group of the Catalan people feels that without the support of the EU or the United States, who have both stated they will not recognize Catalonia as a country, this is the start of a very challenging and dangerous road for the small state.
Protests have already been sprouting up all over Spain calling for the indictment of Carles Puigdemont. In the coming weeks, we will see if Catalonia can defy the odds and stand up to Spain and the rest of the world, or crumble beneath the pressure of Madrid and be forced to get back in line.
Follow Catalonia’s fight for independence from the beginning (links below)…
Catalonia: The Rebel State
Catalonia: The Rebel State [Update | Part II]
Catalonia: Do Not Ignore Us [Update | Part III]
Catalonia: When Catalonia Wants Space And Spain Doesn’t Seem To “Get” It [Update | Part IV]