Catalonia: Leaders Behind Bars [Update | Part VII]

As of Monday Morning [12/4/17], four Catalan politicians and activists remained in Spanish custody after a judge denied bail for the Catalan leaders. If this situation wasn’t already difficult enough for their leaders, the vice president of Catalonia, who is running for special elections on Dec. 21, has also been detained and will be campaigning from behind bars.

Six other separatists leaders have been released on bail, with the hefty sum of 100,00 euros ($118,00) each. Even with the release, the judge ordered the confiscation of their passports to prevent them from leaving the country.

The ousted president, Carles Puigdemont, is still stuck in exile in Belgium, along with four of his close allies. On Dec. 14 a judge will rule the possibility of extradition to Spain for all 5 of the leaders.

Imprisoning their leaders and attempting to push them into desperate situations began after Catalonia declared independence from Spain. Madrid responded with a crackdown on its leaders and the absolvement of the region’s limited freedoms as it is.

The outcome of this conflict between Catalonia and Spain is yet to be determined. As of now, Spain is still trying to control the scenario hoping to make this all disappear; but, with the growing discontent over the imprisonment of its leaders and journalists, Catalans once again have their emotions churning over why they need to separate from Spain.

Follow Catalonia’s fight for independence from the beginning (links below)…

Catalonia: The Rebel State

Catalonia: The Rebel State [Update | Part II]

Catalonia: Do Not Ignore Us [Update | Part III]

Catalonia: When Catalonia Wants Space And Spain Doesn’t Seem To “Get” It [Update | Part IV]

Catalonia: Birth of a Nation [Update | Part V]

Catalonia: Birth of A New Nation [Update | Part V]

The impossible just happened a few days ago. Catalonia declared independence from Spain less than an hour before a vote in the Spanish senate would give Madrid the power to seize the region’s limited autonomous powers.
The vote in the parliament came after a dramatic week of tense last-minute negotiations between Madrid and Barcelona. Out of 135 Catalan deputies, 70 voted for independence, with 10 opposing the move and two blank ballot slips. This outcome had opposition lawmakers walk out of the chamber ahead of last Friday’s vote in protest.
Not surprisingly, the feelings about independence have been conflicting for the Catalans. The small region has many of its citizens who see the split of Catalonia as a new beginning for a bright future. Whereas a growing group of the Catalan people feels that without the support of the EU or the United States, who have both stated they will not recognize Catalonia as a country, this is the start of a very challenging and dangerous road for the small state.
Protests have already been sprouting up all over Spain calling for the indictment of Carles Puigdemont. In the coming weeks, we will see if Catalonia can defy the odds and stand up to Spain and the rest of the world, or crumble beneath the pressure of Madrid and be forced to get back in line.
Follow Catalonia’s fight for independence from the beginning (links below)…
Catalonia: The Rebel State
Catalonia: The Rebel State [Update | Part II]
Catalonia: Do Not Ignore Us [Update | Part III]
Catalonia: When Catalonia Wants Space And Spain Doesn’t Seem To “Get” It [Update | Part IV]

Catalonia: When Catalonia Wants Space And Spain Doesn’t Seem To “Get” It [Update | Part IV]

“As of now, Spain’s central government hopes to avoid further political and economic damage to the prominent northeastern region of Catalonia due to its bid to secede by imposing direct rule,” Prime minister Mariano Rajoy told parliament on Wednesday. 
In a hasty attempt to protect their business interests, more than a thousand firms have relocated their legal headquarters out of the Catalan region to avoid instability that has been brought on by the independence bid, according to the companies registry, and this level of uncertainty has pushed Madrid to cut economic forecasts.
Mr. Puigdemont had some scathing words to add to this treatment by Madrid by stating that the implementation of Article 155 of the country’s constitution, Mr. Rajoy has set out to “humiliate” Catalonia in an “attack on democracy.”
He said removing powers from the Catalan people to govern themselves was the “worst attack against the people of Catalonia since the dictatorship of Francisco Franco.” He added that with this taking place, he wanted the parliament to meet in a session where the representatives of the citizens’ sovereignty would be able to decide on the region’s fate and how precisely the shift of control and power will be handed over.
Catalonia’s government currently runs its own policing, education, and healthcare, which if taken over by Madrid would leave the region without any say as to how its people are governed.
Today will bring more clarity to the situation when Mr. Puigdemont is expected to make a last effort to stall the decision of Article 155 and to bring back some measure of control to the Catalan people.
It’s difficult to say which way this is going to go again. The Catalan people are fiercely in support of their identity and independence, which makes the central government’s attempt to take power all the more damning in the eyes of those who value these guiding principles. The world is watching Spain, that should be something to mull on as time passes and this decision begins to stir up new resentment. 
Follow Catalonia’s fight for independence from the beginning (links below)…
Catalonia: The Rebel State
Catalonia: The Rebel State [Update | Part II]
Catalonia: Do Not Ignore Us [Update | Part III]

Catalonia: Do Not Ignore Us [Update | Part III]

This tidbit may come as a surprise, but no one outside of Spain knew anything of Catalonia’s historical struggle and aspirations for independence a few years ago. Even today, most people have at the very least a minimal concept about this region and the dream that its people have of being free. When an internal struggle like Catalonia’s current fight for independence in Spain reaches its boiling point, it’s not shocking to see the conflict expand beyond its national borders.
Due to all the attention, Catalonia is receiving now; it has given the small state some punch behind its demands to be heard all over the world. Has this type of scrutiny made it possible for the region to gain independence without violence being its driving force? 
No one could have presented this better than the president of the region, Carles Puigdemont, when he addressed the Catalan Parliament on October 10. His speech, in which he halted the declaration of independence and called for rational dialogue with the Spanish state, demonstrated a value that the people of Catalonia are known well for, its aptly named  “Seny Catala” (Catalan Sanity). Comically enough, you as the reader should know that throughout this entire situation, Spain has contributed significantly to the perception that Catalonia is the “sane side” in this conflict.
It started with Spain’s response to the referendum of Catalonia. It showed a clumsy, and savage Spanish government that had no idea of how to de-escalate matters. With the support of its state media, Spain’s central government tried to hide any favor of ideas that contradicted the state’s point of view, which showed a darker side to Spain that resembled the Franco dictatorship. Throughout that chaotic October 1st day, images of violence and bedlam filled television screens all over the world, showing the international audience what the Spanish central government was capable of doing.
When you think about it, images are the most powerful tool in any communication, and with Spain’s brutal tactics, the government of Mariano Rajoy, clearly communicated a strong message: We will use any force necessary to keep stability against our citizens and maintain the status quo. This tactic was not the only dark action taken on that day. The Spanish government also proved how foolish they could be by using all possible measures to stop a referendum, and they failed miserably.
On the other hand, the Catalan Government proved to be much more strategic by aligning with the current political culture of the European continent, which proved in some ways why the Catalonia people deserve independence. 
Where is this all leading? Well, the strategy of the Catalan state was simple: to officially request a referendum, and, when this would most certainly be denied, to go ahead and do it anyway. The most important part of this strategy was to do it without violence. The next part of this plan, and by far the most crucial role is to demand dialogue after the Speech that President Carles Puigdemont gave at the Catalan parliament.
What was said in Puigdemont’s speech? 
Catalonia’s leader stated that he accepted the “mandate from the people” to “become an independent state,” but stopped short of declaring independence as he pursues an open dialogue with Spain. This gesture showed a sense of practicality and it’s in line with the political behavior model of the EU. A model that is firmly based on dialogue, agreements, and respect for the tenents of democracy. Unfortunately, Spain chose to ignore Puigdemont’s gesture, so his impassioned speech did not have the effect he had hoped it would on the central government’s attitude towards the Catalan people.
Catalonia is at the fork in the road now. They have two options: Disobey the Spanish central government and declare independence regardless of what the government says, or give up and withdraw its proposal for dialogue on full autonomy.
Currently, it’s a stalemate for both sides. On one hand, the Catalans view the suspension of the declaration of independence as a type of betrayal of the astounding results of the referendum they fought so hard to achieve. On the other hand, some sections of the Spanish population want the central government to take a more forceful action against any current or future demands for secession.
We will all have to see what will be the next steps Spain takes towards the Catalan state. They must not forget that the world is watching, and with each forceful clampdown of liberty, another revolution sows into the ground to one day come bursting through the doors. 
For more on Catalonia and their fight for independence…
Catalonia: The Rebel State
Catalonia: The Rebel State [Update | Part II]
Catalonia: When Catalonia Wants Space And Spain Doesn’t Seem To Get It [Update | Part IV]

Catalonia: The Rebel State

This is a developing story. We will continue to update this article to provide you the most up to date information about Catalonia and its struggle for independence. 
[Catalonia’s fight for Independence + historical context.]
Developing News:
In a TV address, Spain’s King Felipe VI condemned organizers of Catalonia’s independence referendum for having put themselves “outside the law;” stating that the situation in Spain was “extremely serious” and calling for unity.
Hundreds of thousands in Catalonia have been protesting since the Spanish police violence that took place during Sunday’s historic vote for independence, in which 893 people were hurt.
Meanwhile, Catalonia’s leader has told multiple news organizations that the region would declare its independence in a matter of days.
In one of his first interviews since the referendum, Catalan President Carles Puigdemont said his government would “act at the end of this week or the beginning of the next.”
When probed on what he would do if the Spanish government were to intervene or try to take control of the Catalonia’s government, Mr. Puigdemont said it would be “an error which changes everything.”
As of now, there is no contact between Mr. Puigdemont and the government in Madrid. These comments were made shortly after the Kings televised speech. 
Over the past few weeks the northeastern region of Spain, known as Catalonia has been fighting a great fight for independence against Spain. This is the breakdown of what is happening currently, and what brought about this dangerous split.
As of now, reports state that 893 people and 33 police officers have been hurt since Sunday, Oct 1st, as the Catalan referendum for more autonomy has been passed by the Catalan government. The protests leading to this day have been violent and without regard to human safety or democratic values. What has led to this split? Well, here’s a bit of a history lesson that will explain why Catalonia has always viewed itself as a free state. 
Catalonians have always believed that their state is a separate nation from the very beginning. With a population of 7.5 million people, it is the wealthiest of Spain’s 17 semi-autonomous regions. In the 12th century, its kingdom came under the rule of the neighboring Spanish kingdom of Aragon. In the 15th century, when King Ferdinand of Aragon and Queen Isabella of Castile married and united their domains, it became part of a unified Spain. Throughout its history, Catalonia has always had varying degrees of autonomy protecting its distinct culture, language, law, and customs. That all came to a grinding halt when the war of the Spanish Succession took place during 1702-1714 when Catalonia fell to Felipe V’s Franco-Castillian army after a 15-month siege. As a result, the nation-state lost its charters and institutions, and Catalonia was officially abolished. With the state being heavily oppressed by the ruling class, the Catalans have had difficulty maintaining their culture and language ever since.
Fast forward to 1931, relief came in the form of new elections that brought broad autonomy to Catalonia, which again fell apart when Spain fell into civil war during the mid-1930’s and the succeeding Franco regime. Franco’s ultra-conservative rule curtailed the states autonomy and restricted the use of the Catalan language as well. After the end of the dictatorship in 1978, Spain had a democratic transition and Catalonia became one of its 17 autonomous communities. In this period of finally gaining back some control, Catalonia established its own parliament (Generalitat), Police force (Mossos d’esquadra), and education system; but calls for full independence have still continued. 
The Euro economic crisis saw high unemployment among the Catalonia youth and further exposed the mass inequality between the rich and poor. 
3 Reasons for the split… 
  • Pro-independence supporters claim that Catalonia is being robbed by Spain when the central government taxes the region. Catalans state that the gap in what they pay in taxes and what they get back in services is an insult.
  • Spain’s financial crisis and the austerity that followed has only fueled this discontent. Catalans claim that Catalonia would be much more sufficient and prosperous on its own.
  • The counter-argument comes from Xavier Albiol, who is the leader of the Catalan Branch of Spain’s ruling People’s party. He states that in many countries the wealthy regions prop up the poorer ones, “At the moment Spain is the country in the EU which is growing the most; more jobs are being created and that directly benefits Catalonia, all told, united we are strong.”
  • Under General Franco’s dictatorship, Catalan could not be used in any official context. Since Democracy was restored in 1978, the language has rebounded, which has sparked a new surge of pride in the Catalan culture and identity.
  • However, in 2010, the Spanish courts rejected a change to the constitution that would have given the Catalan language preferential status, further alienating the state’s uniqueness, which many Catalans viewed as an insult, again strengthening pro-independence feelings. 
  • “First of all, we are democrats which means that when we demand to be treated a mature society, we mean this. When we demand that the opinion of the people should be taken into account, we mean this.” – Raul Romeva (Member of the Catalan parliament which favors independence)
  • As you can see the Catalonia’s pro-independence leaders see the referendum as a democratic right, and Madrid’s refusal to acknowledge this infuriates them. 
Do all Catalans want independence?
  • Catalans seem to be divided about leaving Spain.
    • With 49.4% of its population wanting to stay
    • And 41.1 of its population wanting to break away from Spain.
This break in unity within the state itself has caused mass debates to take part in towns and villages across Catalonia. Though the referendum has now gone in favor for Independence, Spanish authorities have dismissed the referendum as unconstitutional and a ‘farce’; 90% of those who came out and braved against the brutal tactics of the Spanish police voted in favor of the split. Though, protests leading after the vote have only been able to turn out about 42% of supporters due to the police crackdown. 
The Catalan President stopped short of declaring independence from Spain on Monday – a move that would have further deepened the crisis, and has instead requested for an international arbiter to mediate the issue, ideally someone from the European Union. “This moment needs mediation,” Catalan President Puigdemont said, “We only received violence and repression as an answer.” Puigdemont said Catalonia did not want a “traumatic break” with Madrid. “We want a new understanding with the Spanish State,” he said.
When the governing body of a nation fails to listen to its people, regardless of how small or big the population of those said people are, unrest and calls for extreme action will take place. Spain has the opportunity to heal the pain and anger it has caused with the Catalan state by simply addressing this problem for what it is – a call to be understood and listened to by the Catalan people. Taking it for anything else will only stiffen the resolve of the pro-independence supporters and further divide the Catalan state from a peaceful resolution. 
Catalonia: The Rebel State Update
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