I Can Hardly Remember A Time When Reports of Mass Shootings Weren’t a Regular Occurrence

The first time I remember being informed of a mass shooting occurring was on December 14th 2012, the day that Adam Lanza opened fire at Sandy Hook Elementary School. I was twelve years old, sitting in my living room, viewing the news coverage with my mom. I remember crying, and her asking me if I was crying out of fear of something similar happening at my school. My response was, “No, this is all just really sad.”

Seven years later, and I still experience the same feelings of sadness when I hear the news of yet another mass shooting occurring. However, reports of mass shootings have become so frequent that it would be impossible for me to remember how I reacted to the news coverage of each one, which is not okay. Sadly, many people are way past the point of caring and become more and more desensitized after the story breaks. After receiving so many breaking news reports that a mass shooter has opened fire in various locations, some people are able to shrug and move on, which is the kind of complacency that NRA members and the lawmakers they support are counting on. Despite their indifference and inaction, the repetitive loss of life at the hands of mass shooters is not something to be normalized. Active shooter drills are not normal. Students being given bulletproof backpacks as they venture off into high school is not normal. Students fearing that their lives will be cut short if someone were to enter their place of learning with a gun (whether it be an elementary, middle, high school or a college campus) is not normal.

The treating of mass shootings as if they are inevitable is where a majority of my frustration comes from. Lawmakers ignore the issue, offering “thoughts and prayers” and visiting locations in the aftermath of shootings, while refusing to actually do something by utilizing their power to create structural change that could prevent so many of these tragedies. In New Zealand, the Prime Minister worked to prohibit access to semi-automatic weapons weeks after a mass shooting took place. In Australia, 35 people were killed at the hands of a semi-automatic weapon, and twelve days after the shooting, Australia’s Prime Minister announced a number of changes to their gun laws: High-caliber rifles and shotguns were banned, licensing was tightened, a “buy-back” scheme took some 650,000 guns out of circulation and remaining firearms were registered to national standards.” These are just two examples of leaders swiftly taking action to protect its’ citizens from senseless gun violence. America has done nothing like this. 

In addition to policy changes, an end to mass shootings cannot be brought without addressing two of the often-ignored factors that contribute to it: misogyny and racism. Many women—myself included—fear being gunned down for rejecting men, and way too many women have been. Black Americans get gunned down by police on a regular basis. The Charleston shooting that took place in 2015, the 2018 shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, and the recent shooting in El Paso were all motivated by White Supremacy. (When you include the intersection of marginalized identities, the issue becomes even more dire). Mental illness, rap music, and video games are just a few things that have been used as scapegoats to avoid addressing these factors and doing the work to dismantle the systems that allow them to persist.

While I can hardly remember a time in my life where reports of mass shootings were not a regular occurrence, my hope is that the next generation won’t. While I’ll continue to advocate for comprehensive gun reform, I’d be lying if I said the feeling of hopelessness didn’t affect me. Countless lives have been lost; countless people have been traumatized—so honestly, what else is there to say that hasn’t already been said? What can be done to undo the years of damage that has been done by the normalization to mass shootings in the U.S.? Who else has to die before change comes? 

Similar Read: Bulletproof Backpacks, a 2019 Back-to-School Essential?

Christchurch and the Ignorant Crusade

“Welcome, Brother.” These were the last words of the first victim in the line of 50 other victims who would be killed in the Christchurch massacre. Brenton Harris Tarrant, who is currently the only suspect in the barbaric killings, sent an 87-page manifesto to the Prime Minister of New Zealand moments before committing himself to a long line of terrorists, whose sole purpose in this world is to sow discord and create chaos. 

He streamed the killing live on Facebook, utilizing a feature we all use for showcasing funny cat and dog videos, birthday celebrations, or surprise engagement proposals. He used a feature that was meant to connect people in far away distances and bring them together, to showcase his hatred, rage, and intolerance of a specific religion, and its people.

Some of his victims had escaped war, genocide, persecution, and political discourse. Some of his victims were children, coming to their house of God with their loved ones, eager to show their devotion and then hopefully be able to play or spend time with their families afterwards. Some of his victims showed bravery in the line of fire. They were protecting their sons, and daughters, and strangers. They were facing the ultimate test of being courageous and paying for it with the highest asset they had – their lives.

Support has been outpouring for this tragedy, with the Prime Minister of New Zealand showing real leadership, by donning a hijab as a sign of respect and mourning, to paying for all 51 funerals and financially supporting the families of the victims for as long as they need.

However, at some point, I ask myself is this indeed enough? What the Prime Minister is doing and how the world feels outraged and disgusted is a good sign, a great sign that unity is slowly finding its way against the tide of hatred and injustice once more, but the question remains… is it enough?

We go through these spells, don’t we? Every decade or so, there is a monumental struggle between ideologies, religions, belief systems, or perceptions, that cause the loss of life for so many, only to prove what?

A point? Is anyone genuinely victorious when the death of innocent are involved? When we live out our lives, doing our best to be successful, and happy, and safe in this world, is it enough to “give our thoughts and prayers” to these situations, and their victims?

Are we doing enough? Collectively as a society? 

I do not have the answer to this question, and maybe that’s because I have become so numb from screaming out my frustrations to anyone and everyone who will hear me.

I have exhausted myself from seeing another group of people cruelly gunned down for their beliefs, race, or perceptions.

Exhausted of seeing individuals defend terrorists by claiming there was no outpouring support when another tragedy occurred on this date, at this time, or this place. Tired of the political manipulations and control the so-called leaders of the western world and its media try to spin to get our attention and dictate the narrative.

I am tired of seeing innocent people torn apart because of blatant ignorance and hatred. Tired of having to continually view the media and the joke of leadership we have in this country criticize individuals for who they are, what they wear, how they wear it, gender, sexuality, the color of their skin, the faith they belong to, the geographical location they hail from.

Whatever you believe in, or don’t understand, whatever you align yourself with politically, or don’t align to… remember this, our planet is on the brink of natural disasters changing the very landscape of which we live in, fanaticism and fascism are on the rise and threaten to overcome all sensibility and logic around the world, and the gap of wealth and development is widening at an alarming rate.   

We are the generation that will define what it means to be human. Whether we want that responsibility or not. We who live in this time and era will collectively define our mark on this planet. 

Similar Read: History and the Christchurch Massacre

History and the Christchurch Massacre

“I sleep well. It’s the politicians who are to blame for failing to come to an agreement and resorting to violence.”

You may recognize these words as those of Mikhael Kalashnikov, the inventor of the AK-47. In a world where terrorist attacks and mass shootings have become a daily reminder of the power weapons confer to their holders, there is always a pending question: who is to blame?

Judging by the latest information, the Christchurch shooter was inspired by several European events and figures: Anders Breivik, Marine Le Pen, and the Balkan War among others. This idea that the good, rightful Christian world is being invaded and threatened by the blood-thirsty, ignorant Muslims is not new, but it is sickening that some people still act accordingly to such nonsense. Breivik slaughtered teenagers trapped on an island. Marine Le Pen and her party (Front National) lost the French elections because their claims are absurd, their ideas are utterly racist and the French were either more hopeful or less cynical than the Americans or the Brazilians, who both chose to rally behind pseudo-charismatic, fear-inducing, history-ignoring leaders. There is no such thing as a Muslim invasion. Swapping the word “Muslim” with “Mexican” or “LGBTQ” works as well. The people do not feel threatened or cornered. But to divide is to conquer. It does not go any further than that.

The Balkans were indeed invaded, centuries ago, by the Turks. Many Albanians and Kosovans still revere Skanderbeg as a hero and model of patriotism who fought to defend his country. Nevertheless, many of them are Muslims. If these people can accept their legacy, why does an Australian native decide that he has to go on a shooting spree after invoking the spirits of men who are, or have been, tried by the International Court of Justice for organizing and perpetrating the most recent genocide in Europe?

The Albanian and Kosovan diaspora constitutes one of the most important minorities in Switzerland, and most of them are Muslims. The stigma of the war is still blatantly visible in this community, and conflicts with Serbia over borders and the Kosovan independence are intense. Second or third generations have Swiss passports, do their military service, marry Swiss citizens and could not care less whether their children are the invaders or the invaded. Claiming that the tyrants who cold-heartedly ordered women to be raped and men killed, houses to be burnt not even 30 years ago are modern heroes is simply ignoring the most important lesson history has taught us. Brenton Tarrant was probably not very attentive when his History teacher talked about the Crusades. There is no peace to be found in weapons and hatred. 

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