Colin Powell’s Final Salute

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell passed away on October 18, 2021, at age of 84. Colin Powell was a Republican who served as the United States first African-American Secretary of State. Powell served twice in South Vietnam. He was wounded while patrolling the borders of Vietnamese- Laotian during his first tour, and he was injured in a helicopter crash during his second. He served under former President Ronald Regan as the National Security Adviser meeting with world leaders such as Soviet President Gorbachev. He later served in former President Bill Clinton’s administration as Chairman of Joint Chiefs briefly. It would be Powell who debated Clinton regarding whether or not gays should be admitted in the armed forces, which resulted in a policy known as “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.” Powell eventually retired from the Army in 1993. 

In 2000, President George W Bush appointed Collin Powell as the 65th Secretary of State becoming the first African-American to serve in that role. Powell was strongly against the second war in Iraq. George W Bush was asked if he spoke with Powell if he should go into war. Bush responded that he did not ask because he knew Powell was strongly against the war.

There is so much that Democrats & Republicans could disagree with Collin Powell about, but what cannot be questioned was his love for country, his strong voice for the African-American community, and the rights for other communities to be treated fairly. In 2008, he shocked the nation when he decided to endorse President Barack Obama who became the first African-American President of the United States. He was very vocal against former President Donald Trump and his administration as well as standing up for many social justice issues. 

Powell was born in Harlem, New York to Jamaican immigrants, likely one of the many reasons he was very active in fighting for the people in Haiti. He also started the America’s Promise Alliance dedicating his life to the well-being of children and youth of all socioeconomic levels. Powell endorsed President Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee for President in 2020.

Powell was fully vaccinated, but passed away at Walter Reed Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland (right outside of Washington DC.) COVID complications, in addition to having multiple myeloma, a cancer of plasma cells that suppresses your immune response, proved to be fatal for the 84-year-old American. He will be remembered for many things, but ultimately serving his country and her citizens, regardless of political party or ideology.

You Are NOT Your Ancestors!

Popular opinion always sides with the right side of history. Hindsight being 20/20, that’s an easy decision to make. It’s real easy to armchair quarterback the Civil Rights Era, boldly proclaiming from 2020 that you would’ve marched arm in arm in 1965. But the reality is, 2020 is not 1965 and we have no idea the danger our elders faced as the walked across the Edmund Pettus Bridge.

The painful truth is that many sat paralyzed in 1965, overwhelmed by the reality that participation then could literally mean death. Truthfully, their paralysis was justified in 1965. Being vocal and/or visible was a death sentence for many, including the greatest icons of that era. In 1965, one had to weigh the fight for justice against the sanctity of their family and home. Four little girls in the 16th Street Baptist Church speak to that tragic reality in a way that many in today’s world could never comprehend.

To say those that did sit out the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 60s were justified in their terror is an understatement. It was pragmatism at work. It was simply life, where an alleged whistle in the wrong direction could get a child beaten, dismembered, and dragged to the bottom of a river. There’s a painful contradiction in many shunning those that did sit out, when they didn’t live in those times.

The more painful reality is that many today still sit out, while facing far less severe consequences. Many that have boldly proclaimed they would rather die than be enslaved or that they would never take the disrespect that our ancestors braved. That same crowd that boldly wears the, “I’m not my ancestors, you can catch these hands” T-shirts, while marching in safe spaces, 50 plus years late. They are right about one thing, THEY ARE NOT THEIR ANCESTORS. They don’t have the heart to balance life and death by seeking basic dignities in every facet of survival, such as a water fountain or bathroom.

We are currently living in a time where the Chief Executive blatantly espouses prejudice, racism, bigotry and division in a manner that makes Nixon or Reagan seem tame. Yet, the “I’m not my ancestors” crowd isn’t certain of what to do. We are seemingly more concerned with the open marriages of celebrities, foolish people arguing over their “Constitutional right” to not wear masks, or the never-ending quest to prove who is the most conscious in the room.

One must pose the question, what does any of that matter to progress?

To that same crowd of social media warriors, fighting for the newest and boldest cause that is trending on Twitter, the time for hypotheticals has long passed. In reality, it was an illusion and the time for hypotheticals never arrived. Oppression never ended. Freedom was never fully achieved. So what is the wait about? When is the time right? Should we postpone true liberation longer for a more opportune time? Maybe it will be more convenient in 2030. It’s only another decade away…

But you’re right, YOU ARE NOT YOUR ANCESTORS! They fought. They didn’t wait. They survived atrocities that would seem unbearable to many now who complain of not having fully functional A/C or bad WiFi signal. Our ancestors didn’t get comfortable waiting around for a more opportune time. Our ancestors fought, knowing some would likely die. Our ancestors, and many white allies, had far more heart than many of the social justice warriors of today preaching from digital pulpits in their comfortable homes. Our ancestors died for our comfort, while we sit this one out because “we are too busy” or “we should be social distancing,” as if police violence isn’t as big of a threat as COVID-19.

July 17, 2020, marked the death of two Civil Rights Era GIANTS. As we view their collective legacies, both individually and jointly, we must take pause to determine what is next.

We have let our ancestors down in our comfort. Ironically, that comfort was built on the backs of our ancestors’ sacrifice, not our own. Are we willing to sacrifice our comfort and individual “successes” to push the future of our people forward? John Lewis and C.T. Vivian both did. That was their life work. Collectively, many of us have not. Again, we are NOT our ancestors.

While we complain from our WiFi soapboxes and boldly proclaim what we would’ve done on social media, our community is still engulfed in a deliberate and subversive form of genocide. While we bicker over what #BlackLivesMatter should mean, our children are dying at the hands of police, systemic racism, and at the hands of other children. Yet, we sit those out to stay comfortable. That same comfort we have not truly earned, but instead inherited. So yes, we are NOT our ancestors. They were better men and women.

To those who hypothesize on what they “would’ve done” during slavery or Jim Crow, you no longer have to hypothesize. The time is now. A bigot occupies the Oval Office. This Administration openly works to roll back the social progress of the last 50 years in an attempt to make America what it was in the “good ole days.” You don’t have to hypothesize on what you would’ve done when facing police dogs, fire hoses, clubs, prison, lifelong persecution, or death. You won’t get your hands dirty engaging in GOOD TROUBLE during a time when the consequences of said action pale in comparison. You would’ve sat out the movement of the 50s and 60s because you’re sitting out now. It’s the same mentality of subjugation by appeasement. To you I say, you’re damn right, YOU ARE NOT YOUR ANCESTORS!


Not Counting Calories (Cohen And Faithful Trumpers)

During the 2016 Presidential campaign, Donald Trump regularly ate McDonald’s and other fast food. Each meal contained nearly a day’s worth of calories and sodium! Almost double the recommended daily dose of saturated fat and two and a half times the sugar he should eat in a day, according to US Dietary Guidelines.

When the National Champion Clemson Tigers visited the White House, the traditional catered meal wasn’t an option due to the government shutdown. Instead, Trump famously paid for their dinner… an all-out fast food buffet extravaganza! Enough food that surely broke the record for calories per person. 

Trumps eating habits would only bother one who actually took their health seriously. And one of the ways you do that is by watching your calorie intake.

Even without the bun, which is how Trump eats his sandwiches, fast food is ridiculously unhealthy. But Trump doesn’t care about that, and you know who else isn’t counting calories… beloved Trump voters just like Trump himself, they don’t care about calories. 

Even though there’s a not so shocking correlation in that the states who voted for Trump are also the most obese states in the nation, I’m not just talking about food. I’m talking about the evidence that continues to pile up against the improprieties of the Donald Trump presidency.

The Cohen interview… hearing… spilling the tea… whatever you want to call it, it’ll have zero effect on Trump voters, despite how damaging it was against the Trump presidency.

Why is this important? 

Because Trump has entrenched a cult, and not based solely on party lines; but of people who believe his acts are on the right side of history. They don’t really believe this, nor do they care. They care that Trump is a president mostly for the preservation and advancement of Whiteness, more so than any president since Reagan.

Though that’s toxic for all, it’s what they know (a White majority thinking nation) and what makes them most comfortable. Just like fast food. You see that golden arch after a long drive or long day, and no matter how much you know it will hurt your stomach and destroy your diet, you begrudgingly pull into the drive-thru line and place your order… a number 2… super-sized… with a Diet Coke, of course.