The Invisible Numbers of a Teacher’s Salary

Very few subjects are dreaded more than high-end mathematics. I for one hated high-end mathematics with a passion. One subject in Algebra that really burned my bridges was invisible numbers. Yes, there’s a subject in Algebra in which you learn about invisible numbers. Essentially, an imaginary number is the square root of a negative number and does not have a tangible value. Did you get that, no tangible value! In high school, I asked my math teacher with true sincerity what was the point and purpose of learning about invisible numbers. What are they used for? What’s the history of invisible numbers? And once again the numbers are invisible! We’re talking about invisible numbers, man, channeling my Allen Iverson practice interview, I stated “invisible” a dozen times. He responded with how most teachers respond to questions they would rather not nor can answer, “It’s in the curriculum and I have to teach it and you have to know it.”

Fast forward to today and invisible numbers came into my mind once more. This time in relation to the recent news of teachers in Oklahoma on the verge of demanding higher pay. They should demand to get out of Oklahoma, hook ’em nation forever! But that’s for the college football season. The Oklahoma teachers storyline isn’t new, its a sad reoccurring storyline of “teachers demanding more pay.”

The general public always has their opinion on this issue. They vary from the usual “we should pay teachers like we pay athletes” to “maybe teachers do make enough, maybe they spend outside their means.”

Most tend to side with teachers don’t make enough, which they DO NOT. However, they will never get Lebron James’s salary for his money comes from entertainment. And teachers money, of course, comes from their respective state or municipality.

That leads me to the main purpose of this article. The focus is only on teachers’ salaries, yet ignore the reason for teachers demanding higher salaries. The reason is cost of living in relation to salary.

Simply put, the rent is too high and teachers’ salaries don’t equal the growing cost to simply live. Not live in luxury, but simply to keep the lights on, put gas in the car, and an occasional bite to eat.

For example… Teachers in New York are the highest paid in the nation, with an average salary of a little less than $77,000 a year. However, when you factor in what they pay for living expenses and taxes they fall to 22nd place with an adjusted salary of $50,022, which is good for Alabama, not Astoria.

The invisible numbers of the cost of living and separating the objective from the subjective means that definition will forever have economists employed. What is needed to respectfully live and not be forced to work ancillary work or do things that may in comparison to one’s career or morals never be truly defined? There are basics that must be accounted for, especially for the most important profession outside health, which in my opinion is education.

So what’s the solution?

On the forefront, educational spending would have to go into one bucket and not be solely based on local property tax revenue, which is the main reason the Philadelphia school district pays its teachers far less than the affluent Montgomery County pays its teachers, which is just the north. Additionally, a review of teachers’ salary in comparison to that school district’s area salaries with the same credentials and standards for employment should be required. Standards like a college degree, background check, working hour amount, etc.

The invisible numbers surrounding teachers salaries are the same invisible working measures they encounter daily – such as driving a kid home because their parent is stuck in traffic or paying for a student’s field trip because his parents can’t afford it. And the most common, buying supplies for their class. The numbers simply aren’t enough to truly calculate a fair and accurate measure to ensure teachers take home the pay they deserve.