2018 Resolution: Give the Benefit of the Doubt

In 2018, give everyone the benefit of the doubt. When someone challenges you in any way, whether in person or even on a Facebook post, assign them the best of possible intentions. Never villainize anyone. Imagine everyone as being the proverbial “Good Guy” in their own life’s story and therefore assume that their personal ethical code is meant to achieve the greatest good (for at least them, if not everyone else).

Think about a funeral. When reflecting on the recently departed, it is rare to hear slanderous and humiliating stories of misdeeds. More likely (except in rare cases of the truly miserable), the chatter and reflection on the deceased is almost fictionally flattering and fond.

This “photoshopping of character” is much more tenable postmortem. But it begs the question: why do we ever portray each other in a negative light? Is it to cast aspersions on someone who maintains an ethical position opposite our own? Is it out of jealousy? Is it because we see the possibly harmful ramifications of someone else’s actions and wish to manipulate their behavior via biting criticism?

Whatever the reason, framing another person in the worst possible light can only be detrimental to all parties. 2017 showed us how division and character assassination can be so poisonous and fatiguing to the National psyche. Maybe bridging the divide this year could be so much more attainable by appealing to the best in one another.

Let us refuse to hate those we disagree with and let us refuse to think about the world in terms of good and evil. We are all good. We are all worthy of love. We are all trying to live (and live well). We may have different ideas about what is best, but moving hearts and minds toward their greatest potential can never start with contempt.

In 2018: patience, positivity, optimism, and always the benefit of the doubt.

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