Dear Black Man

[New Contributor]

Dear Black man,

I’m writing this letter to you from a place of mental nostalgia. From a time and place when you valued yourself as much as you expect others to value you. I’m writing this letter to ensure you you have not been forgotten.

You are built to endure. You are built to lead. Don’t be mistaken for one second and don’t ever lose your sense of self-worth in a world where you’re told you don’t matter. Your life matters contrary to what this world and society continues to show you and portray to you as truth. You are important. For years your parents said walk with your head held high with pride. Now it seems as if you must walk on eggshells to return home at night. And even when you have seemingly done nothing wrong, being a Black man is automatically a sin punishable by death.

I am writing you this letter to let you know we understand your frustrations and concerns. We hear you loud and clear even when you say nothing.  They tell you rioting doesn’t work – it isn’t the answer. They say marching and protesting doesn’t work – it isn’t the answer. Asking doesn’t work. So you’re wondering your next best move. We understand you are baffled at the fact that you are asking for basic human rights.

Dear Black man, my tears fall & my heart bleeds and my soul mourns because my understanding of your fears are all too real.

I feel you because I AM YOU. 

– David

Similar Read: Black Man in America

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