Normalizing Hate?

Roseanne Barr was called to the carpet this week, after tweeting some incredibly incendiary racist comments. ABC canceled “Roseanne” the newly-rebooted sitcom she starred in. She shocked and horrified many, and has been publicly derided for her openly hostile tweets about Valerie Jarrett, a senior advisor to Barack Obama during his tenure in the White House.

First off, this is no surprise if you’ve been within earshot of Roseanne’s mouth, or in this case, tweets. She has a rich and storied history of spouting off hateful rhetoric and conspiracy theories. But her latest circus act is perfectly acceptable – and even endorsed – by the POTUS. 

Related: Trump Is Not a Racist… He’s Worse 

Barr’s off-the-wall behavior is a mere symptom of our current social crisis, and throws it in sharp relief:

White supremacist rallies, and Trump’s refusal to condemn them. Muslim bans. Calling Haiti and African nations “shithole” countries. “Pocahontas.” “Grab ‘em by the pussy!” The “Wall.” Removing protections for LGBTQ people, people of color and low-income families. Removing environmental protections. Vilifying the Free Press. Undermining the very fabric of our system of laws by spouting unsupported claims that the FBI is the problem – not him or Russia. Eroding hard-fought protections and rights of anyone who is not white, male and rich. Actually, of anyone who isn’t Donald Trump.

Trump is the Great Pretender. He is pretending to care about our country, national security, and economy; yet, he is alienating other nations, ignoring the potential consequences of his posturing, and ripping our country apart. He feeds the small-minded the scraps of his “heroism,” while he works to undo the social progress of the last 60 years. Spinning like a hurricane, he destroys nearly everything in his path. 

A true leader works to support and protect the country and its citizens. Not just some of its citizens, or those who excuse the leader’s behavior because they get more money that way.

Can’t anyone see that the Emperor has no clothes? We can no longer think of these outrages as one-offs. This is a methodical and systematic unraveling of what this country stands for: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

This is NOT normal, is it? 

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