“Patriotism… Who Am I And Where Do I Belong?”

July 4th is approaching. People are forced to think about the state of this country, its leadership, the relationships it has with other countries and whether or not its accomplishments are actually a reason to celebrate this holiday, which represents independence and freedom.

As I think about all of this red, white and blue, I ask myself, “What am I celebrating?” Is this holiday really about my people and me? Are African Americans truly considered to be a significant part of this country? In spite of all of the contributions we have made to this country, is our citizenship really worth anything?

When I look at communities overridden with poverty, drugs and a lack of fair and equitable education systems, and legal systems set up to fail people as opposed to help them, the black and brown people in these communities are suffering. The great system is set up to benefit others; yet, it plant seeds of inequality, self-hatred and slavery in our communities. People’s lives look more hopeless than hopeful and day-by-day the picture seems bleaker and darker.

I sit from a perspective of “privilege”, some would say. “You don’t experience these things”’ and “You have beaten the odds”. I wish that were absolutely true, I respond. My skin color makes me no less hated, but my drive to exist and succeed in spite of- is what separates me from others. And while the outside looks polished and stable, my inside is crumbling from seeing my people self destruct because they cannot recognize all of the traps that are being set for them through broken educational systems and cultural “norms” such as music and social media. Our children’s minds are being captured, just as our enslaved ancestors’ bodies were. And although we walk around “free” as if we enjoy the same luxury as others… we are not free; thus, where is the patriotism in that?

This country represents ultimate greed. It bullies other countries and takes their resources. Wars are fought over property…not principle.  Even the wealth that is acquired when we are successful isn’t for Black people. We merely exist in a place where we were dumped after we were stolen. And our true culture and heritage is trampled on and made to seem nonexistent more and more everyday. Black children have nothing to identify with culturally, so who are they? And if they don’t know who they are, then where are they going?

Patriotism… who am I and where do I belong? 

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