Hurricane Trump

The last 10 months of the Trump Administration have been fraught with upheaval, uncertainty, and unpreparedness. It’s one thing to have a president who doesn’t know what he’s doing; it’s quite another to have a president who doesn’t know what he’s doing and sabotages the efforts of the people who do.
Trump is the enemy who doesn’t realize he is the enemy. Blustering his way around the White House, the country and the world, he seeks only his own glorification, and is oblivious to the damage he inflicts while doing so. His extreme self-centeredness is not unlike that of Kim Jong Un, another self-centered narcissist who just happens to be the leader of a country with nuclear capability. And he is not afraid to flaunt it.
Trump’s dismantling of the Paris Accord, the multiple efforts at dismantling the Affordable Care Act, the ham-fisted attempts at diplomacy and as “comforter-in-chief” – all of this pales in comparison to the very real threat he has become.
De-certifying the Iran nuclear deal takes the cards out of the hands of all of the countries supporting it, and into the hands of the Iranian government in one swipe. Sanctions will take its place, which will produce the opposite effect intended. Iran will find a way to work around those sanctions and step up its uranium production.
Ladies and gentlemen, we now have a trifecta of nukes. 
Playing one-upmanship games with North Korea, while his top diplomat is trying to calm the waters, is proof positive that the US president has no understanding of the world. He is crippling any attempt to prevent a conflict, merely because he wants to be right.
This childish chest-beating between Trump and Kim is likely to escalate now that the Iran deal is slotted for dismantling – because there will be a third player in this dangerous triad. John Kelly, brought in to try to rein in Trump’s disastrous behavior, is not likely to have much, if any, effect on how Trump plays his games. Believing that anyone can control such an uncontrollable force might as well try to stop a hurricane. 
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